Part 18

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Almost a week later

It was Thursday now and school was as chaotic as ever, with preparations for the big game and all the school getting ready for the pep rally taking place tomorrow. It was a wave of emotions from excitement to happiness as this was the first time in three years they were holding the big game at their school, Felix was equally as busy with Mina still away as he directed the squad, practicing every single day and finishing up last minute touches.
"Okay let's do it one more time from the top !" He shouted, the music began to play and the cheerleaders did their final routine, Coach Nayeon watched from the bleachers as she made mental notes of what she needed to correct.

"And last formation" Felix yelled as they got into their last stance, "PERFECT" Nayeon clapped as she ran down the bleachers, "it was amazing ! I think we're ready for tomorrow" she smiled, patting lix on the back for his hard work. "So I think we're done for today, you may go back to your classes"
That was probably the worst part of cheering during school hours, after tumbling and getting thrown in the air you had to go back to learning. Dreadful
"Hey lix! You have art right now ?" A girl asked, Felix nodded "ok great do you think you can turn this in for me, I have a drs appointment right now so I can't make it later" she said, handing the blonde her work.

Felix walked his usual route to class, no thoughts just going to where he needed to go.. since Saturday he's thought a lot and maybe this needed to happen, maybe it was life's way of telling him cheating on your boyfriend with the shy kid from class probably wasn't the best idea and maybe he needed to reevaluate everything. His life, his relationship and maybe even how he approaches everything.
Just because he was popular doesn't mean everyone will like him and that's ... okay.

He got to his art class in a hurry and entered seeing the usual people who glanced up at him as he walked in. The art teacher very happy to see the blonde, "Hi lix" she whispered, Felix smiled a sweet smile handing her his late slip, turning his friends assignment in and went to his seat.
It was oddly quiet in the room but he wasn't complaining, he pulled out his notebook and began to sketch, not really anything in particular, just what he felt in the moment.


He kept his word this time, he truly left the boy alone. Unknown to Hyunjin and Hongjoong, Felix heard their whole conversation, he heard the boy go off and blame him for his loss and also heard his wishes of the blonde to leave. It hurt in the beginning but if the man never wanted to see or speak to the blonde, then he'll make it happen.
That brought him to another thought, why exactly was he so fixated on this kid in the first place ? How on earth did he think a boy who's never had friends would want to magically one day be his.
but again .. nothing they did so far was on a "friend" basis, however the point still stands.
why did he even bother ?
Sure his personality is to blame, if it wasn't for him being empathic and feeling sorry for him in the first place, this wouldn't have happened. He should ignore him like everyone else does, treat him like the plague just like everyone else does.
Yeah that's it, treat him how he treats you.

Felix is popular, he's attractive and kind, has a bright future ahead of him. He shouldn't let a kid like Hyunjin bring him down, "Felix" he heard a voice say, the blonde turned around slowly to a girl sitting behind him "I'm sorry to bother you but do you think maybe we can switch seats ? I'm having trouble seeing the bored" she exclaimed.
Felix felt sorry for the girl she was some what of a bottom tier, didn't have a lot of friends + she was extremely shy, didn't seem too confident.
but she was kind.
Felix smiled "of course" he immediately got up and helped her move her things, one thing that set the blonde apart from most popular folk was his heart.
He had all the qualities and reason to be a stuck up, cocky and inconsiderate cheerleader but he wasn't, he was kind and compassionate which is why everyone loved him, well mostly everyone.
"Thank you so much Lix, I really appreciate it" she said with a smile, Felix nodded "no problem, I'm glad I could help"

Once he sat down in his new seat, he realized he was that much closer to the boy in the hood. Only two seats in between that were empty, "ok class, as you know tomorrow is the pep rally and since I have you all tomorrow, we will be on our best behavior heading to the auditorium. No fooling around, no running off and please try to act as adults." the teacher exclaimed, before handing out an assignment. The 5 minute bell rung few minutes after and as the class gathered by the door yet again Felix knew not to leave until it died down, one other person in the room also waiting.
When the doorway became open Felix headed towards the door, walking out without even looking at the boy.

This was easy. I guess

Time Skip ( after school )

"So what movie should we watch ?" His boyfriend asked, Felix sitting on the bed shook his head "I don't know, it's up to you" he said in a monotone voice. Tomorrow was a big day for the blonde and frankly he was tired but his boyfriend begged him to come over, "okay we got horror, romance and comedy" he said as he clicked through the selection.
"Just put whatever" he exclaimed, adjusting himself on the bed. "What is going on with you ?"
Felix just looked down in annoyance "nothing. Just please pick something" he replied.
His boyfriend didn't question further and just chose something random to watch, the two cuddled together more like his boyfriend held him and Felix laid still. His boyfriend took this opportunity to start grinding his hips onto the boy "stop that" Felix said sternly as the boy began moving his hair to kiss on his neck "I said stop. I'm not in the mood" he repeated. His boyfriend couldn't take the hint "come on baby please .. we haven't done in anything in so long" Felix squirmed out of his grasp "NO ! I said stop" he yelled higher then he meant to as he pushed him off. His boyfriend hopped off the bed "Are you fucking serious Lix ? What is it with you !"
Felix got up quickly straightening out his outfit "I said I don't feel -" "You never feel like it ! It's always an excuse with you ! You don't want to kiss, you don't want to cuddle, you never want to have sex"
Felix faltered at the man's frustration, "I just ! I'm tired okay and I don't want to do it right now. Why can't you respect that" he said hesitantly.
"Are you kidding ? We never do it ! What kind of relationship is this ? We don't talk or hangout, we don't have sex ! I practically had to beg you to come over and watch a movie!" He exclaimed getting more frustrated as he continued to talk.

Felix began to pack his stuff "I have to go home !" he whispered, his boyfriend turned around "if you leave, I'm not taking you home" he said sternly.
Felix scoffed "you're going to let me walk home ? It's 8:00 at night" "no, you want to treat me like I'm not your boyfriend, then I won't act like it" he replied.
Felix's blood began to rush, storming out of his room and his house, it was late at night and slightly chilly.
He didn't live too far but it wasn't a walk down the street and it wasn't the safest at night, he began to walk. Tears forming in his eyes as the cold wind hit his thighs, his cheer uniform was definitely not suitable for this weather.
He could call Chan but if he told his brother why he was walking home late at night and not getting a ride from his boyfriend, His brother would probably go to jail. Felix tried hard to look at his surroundings and stay alert hoping he can get home soon.

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