Part 43

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Monday morning was like it usually would be, no one wanted to go, everyone was tired but it was pretty unusual for the blonde to not wear that pretty smile on his face, to not have that bubbly energy.

"Lix - you haven't touched your food at all .. you okay ?" Innie asked, Felix who hadn't bothered to even dress up today nodded.. "I'm not h- hungry" he sighed, pushing the plate away.
"Can I have that ?" Han asked, grabbing the muffin.

Class was just that, Felix wrote what he could hear and spent the rest of the time looking outside the window, not caring about anything around him.
He stuck his earphones in and tried hard to escape in his mind, but every time he did that long haired ravenette would appear and make him sink all over again.

"Come here baby" the man said, Felix was now in his boyfriends house sitting at the edge of the bed "I want to cuddle you so badly" the man said, Felix went beside him letting the man hug him "I missed you so much - you don't even know" he whispered trailing kisses down his chin.
Felix was somewhere else but the sudden movement of his shirt being lifted brought him back, "no babe please .. I'm not feeling good" the man snapped back, "of course .. of fucking course you're not"
Felix sat up quickly when the man jumped off the man, "FUCK" he yelled, throwing something on the ground. Felix flinched, "God - this is the most sexless, emotionless relationship I have ever fucking seen" Felix got up "look I haven't been feeling good, I haven't been sleeping well, I haven't ate like please just be understanding" he pleaded.
The man scoffed "when will you be understanding of me ? HUH !" Felix flinched. "I have fucking waited and waited for almost a year now and you never let me touch you, we never went pass kissing and it's always the same thing "I'm tired, I don't feel like it"
The man pushed back his hair, "is there someone else ?" Felix's heart stopped at the question, "w-what are you t-talking about ?"
"Is there someone else ! That YOU are fucking" he yelled, becoming nose to nose with the blonde.

His boyfriend laughed before raiding his right hand and smacking the blonde right across the face, sending the blonde back a little. He immediately grabbed his cheek in pain, "you're going to stop fucking lying, DO YOU HEAR ME !" He yelled smacking the blonde again, Felix sobbed out.
"I bet it's that fucking racer isn't it ! That stupid FUCKiNG RACER !" He yelled an inhumane yell.
Felix tried to run to the door but was immediately pulled by his hair, "p-please let me g-go" he cried out, the man tugged his hair harder.
"Not until you tell me ! You FUCKED him"
"I - I didn't ! I didn't" he cried out, receiving a punch to the head.
The man heard his mom come in the door, "say anything and I will kill you, you stupid slut" he gritted.

Couple Months later

Felix went from worse to rock bottom, missing days at a time.. he dropped out of the cheer squad and didn't bother with any extra curricular activities.
He ate by himself at lunch somewhere where no one could see him and after school he went home or to his boyfriends house every single day.

Today was art class and Felix walked in silently, the students all looked at him with sadness in their eyes if you knew Felix, you knew this wasn't him.
Hyunjin had stopped coming to school as well but rumor has it he was taking online courses.
Felix sat through art, didn't bother drawing or painting, didn't care about clay making or water colors he just didn't care.

"There's something going on with Lix" Han mentioned, all the friends in his group agreed.
Innie saw the boy losing himself more and more as the day passed on, "we have to do something" Innie exclaimed, and that's exactly what the friend group tried to do. Everyone would try to talk to him, they'd try to open him up but no one could ever get through to him, everyone including Chan was shut out from the boy and the days he was home he'd lock himself in the room and not eat, and the only time he'd sleep was because his body had no choice.
He lost lots of weight and wouldn't shower for days.
Chan sat on the couch contemplating what this was and at first it might have been Hyunjin but this was something far more then that.
Felix would go to his boyfriends house and get beat severely each time he was asked if Hyunjin was the one he was messing around with and when he couldn't answer or wouldn't ... punishments were made. Slapping him, to pulling his hair and punching him until he couldn't physically move.

Chan watched helpless as his brother came home and head straight to his bedroom, closing the door and closing himself off from the world.
Chan couldn't sit back anymore and watch his brother suffer, he knew one person that might be able to help "Hongjoong... I need a favor"

Hyunjin was sitting as he typed on his computer, he couldn't lie after he stopped talking to the blonde it wasn't at all easy to move on from him but if he could do it once, he could do it again
He finished his last assignment, closing the computer and groaning in his seat when he heard a knock on his door, he got up and made his way to the front door opening it to see a face he hasn't seen in a while "Chan ? what are you doing here" he asked in surprise "and how did you find out where I live"
Chan rubbed his temples "that's not important right now ... look Hyun I need you"
The ravenette looked at the man in confusion, "it's about Lix .." Hyunjin tensed up at the name "um .. I don't know what -"
Chan scoffed "look man I know you and him were a thing and I'm not mad, I just need your help because I have nowhere to turn" he exhaled.
This only furthered the man's confusion, "Chan - I - I can't help you there" he sighed, trying to close the door when the man's foot stopped it from closing.
"Hyunjin" he said, the boys eyes shot up "Innie told us everything, now as much as I'd love to ask questions about that .. there's bigger things to worry about"
Hyunjin scoffed "so what now that you guys know I'm not a loser you expect me to just become your friends and help you.. like I haven't dealt with you and everyone's shit for the past few years"
Chan scoffed "look I'm sorry for what happened in the past but I need you .. Felix's needs you and if you don't want to do it for us then do it for him, the one who's never looked at you as an outcast"
Hyunjin's eyes began to water at the thought of his precious Angel, "I think he's being abused by the psychotic boyfriend of his but I don't have proof and Felix will not talk to me... no matter how much I try"
"He hasn't ate, he barely slept and he quit cheer, he never cones out of his room and - I - don't know what to do - anymore" Chan sobbed.
Hyunjin's tears began to fall and his blood started to boil, the anger rising in him as he thought back to the boyfriend hitting on Felix.
"Take me to him" he whispered.

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