Part 4

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It was now lunch time and as usual Felix headed to his designated seat at the popular table, being met with the jocks and other cheer leaders including his brother and best friends. "Lixie .. I told you to meet me after class" Han exclaimed, running towards the boy. "I know I'm sorry .. I didn't go to class" he said  low enough so his brother wouldn't hear.
"Oh I see .. well anyways I'm super excited about tonight ! I was thinking we match clothes !" Han said excitedly. Felix nodded and smiled, if he was being honest, he wasn't in the best mood right now.
Innie soon appeared after, "hey guys ! Lix I didn't see you in math ! What happened ?" the boy asked. Felix told him why and per request ask that they not talk about it while Chan is around. If his brother knew he ditched, he'd get a huge lecture and at the moment he did not want that. Lunch was just that.. Lunch, they ate, goofed around and talked about everything up until the bell rang "lix can I walk with you !" Innie asked as he swung his backpack over his shoulder, Felix nodded quietly as they walked to their classes. Innie had history and it was directly across from his art class "lix what's wrong ? You're not smiling" Innie teased as he tried to cheer up the blonde "I .. he's acting insecure again and even though I told him, he still didn't believe me" Felix relayed.

Innie knew he was talking about his boyfriend, he has been friends with lix since middle school and he can't lie and say he's fond of Felix's boyfriend, he didn't like how possessive he was, at first it was cute but now it was just annoying. Every time they hung out or wanted to do something, there Felix's boyfriend was tagging along or preventing them from doing anything. "Well have you tried talking to him ? Telling him that his assumptions are only pushing you away ?" Innie offering his advice. "Yeah I have and he knows but he still does it .. I get he has trust issues but who exactly am I going to cheat on him with ?"
"Hyunjin" Innie exclaimed, "What ?" Felix asked in shock "Hyunjin ! He's holding the door open for you" Innie asked as he pointed towards the direction of the Art class, where the boy stood waiting on the blonde. Felix felt a rush of relief "oh.. well I'll see you after school Innie" Felix smiled as he bid the boy goodbye. "Bye lixie" Innie exclaimed as he walked to his own class.

Felix walked quickly to the door where Hyunjin waited, not saying a word per usual as they both walked in and went to their assigned seats.
They had a substitute teacher today which basically meant they can do whatever they wanted. Felix who loved to draw took out his sketch book and began to finish a drawing he's been working on, it wasn't part of an assignment or anything but more so for himself
He focused on shading and when he was drawing he blocked everything else out, he would sometimes glance around him but that was just out of habit.
20 minutes passed and the only downside of having free time was there really was nothing else to do, the teachers lessons would usually make the time skip by even more but today was dragging out.

Felix could go on his phone but he knew only thing he'd be met with would be endless amount of texts from his boyfriend and he truly did not want to speak to him right now. He doodled a couple random things in his sketch book while looking around only to see everyone doing their own thing including the mysterious boy who was focused on a drawing he was doing, Felix got up to sharpen his pencil thinking this would give him something else to do instead of just sitting there, the pencil sharpener was in the back of the class off to the side where none other then the silent boy would sit, he was very strategic about where he sat.. close enough to the door so he can leave as soon as the bell rang and far behind the class so no one would notice him. None of the teachers would call on him and no one in class ever bothered talking to him, he just stayed to himself and the only reason you knew he was present was because of his baggy jacket and long black hair. Felix had to pass directly by him in order to get to the pencil sharpener and when he did he's surprised the boy in black didn't flitch in terror because there was another person in his bubble, the blonde sharpened his pencil to a point not caring that the pencil was getting shorter and shorter, looking over the class as his eyes caught glimpse of what the ravenette was drawing, it was a flower but it was so detailed and the shading was excellent.. it didn't have color yet but even without it,  it was beautiful. "You draw so beautifully" he exclaimed, he  saw the boy get tensed up and he wasn't expecting a thank you or even a nod but what he didn't expect was the boy to harshly close the sketchbook. It was clear that Felix has yet again ticked him off and although he had good intentions, it didn't sit well with the boy.

Felix sensed his presence wasn't wanted due to the fact the he refused to move until Felix was out of his sight and obeying his wishes he left back to his seat, Hyunjin was such a confusing subject, the blonde could never figure him out even when he did try and this might be because Felix has a caring nature and wants to "befriend him" in a way but it never really worked. It was apparent the man wanted nothing to do with friends and he liked being alone, class went on and the blonde just stayed to himself. Sometimes he'd catch a glimpse of the boy drawing but nothing else really happened, just waiting until the bell rang.

*bell ring*

The minute the bell rang everyone got up and left the classroom, Felix waited till the "traffic" died down to get up, now it was only him and Hyunjin who must have dozed off.. he was going to leave but decided it would be messed up to leave him there, being hesitant at first, he didn't want to piss the man off a third time today. He slowly walked up and crouched down next to his desk, it was obvious the boy didn't hear the bell because his earphones were in. His hair for the first time wasn't in his face and strangely enough this was the first time he's actually seen the boys face up close and he was ... Beautiful, his features were sharp but soft and he had the most beautiful nose accompanied by the prettiest lips, the mole under his eye only adding to his beauty. The blonde didn't understand how this good looking man wasn't popular, he certainly had the looks for it.. he then realized how much time has passed just staring at the boy and he softly shook him awake. It took a second for the boy who shifted awake, his eyes shot up making eye contact with the blonde who only gave him a fond smile. What seemed like the longest minute of a lifetime, frozen as they stared at each other until Hyunjin sat up in the desk. "I'm sorry .. The bell rang and you fell asleep.. I didn't want to leav-" his words were cut off by the boy abruptly standing up and leaving the classroom not sparing a glance at him.

The blonde was left dumbfounded to say the least until he heard his phone ring "Lixie we're waiting outside by the tree"

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