Part 3

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His teacher was always known for putting people on the spot and Felix should have known better but did she have to say it like that ? Absolutely not.
The blonde felt his cheeks heat up and his heart pound even faster, shaking his head "no mam, just got distracted" he sighed, if he could crawl into a ball right now, he would. Felix felt terrible as The class immediately turned to Hyunjin to see his reaction, All eyes on the boy that tried so hard to be invisible now had everyone looking at him.
"Good .. so in the video we saw-" the teacher continued her lesson as if nothing happened and luckily for Felix the whole class did as well but an eerie feeling still lingered as he felt a set of eyes staring at him, his body tensed up at the feeling of someone burning holes into his skin. He couldn't help but turn to see exactly what he had already suspected.. the boy staring right at him with the most venomous eyes, looking anything but happy.

Although this situation would put fear into anyones heart, Felix realized this is the first time he's looked into the boys eyes, even if it was under these circumstances. pretty. It was clear to the blonde, the man was very upset at the unwarranted attention he caused him. Felix swiftly turned back around and for the remainder of the class, Trying hard not to look back. The thought of apologizing crossed his mind throughout the lesson but what exactly would he say ? and how could he excuse the staring ?
"Sorry for staring at you for so long, I just wanted to see your face ?" No that sounded creepy.
The bell finally rang and against everything Felix was going to do, he bolted out the door.

There was only a 5 minute break in between, to give the students enough time to get to the next class. Instead of Felix racing to math, he ran into the bathroom his face was completely flush and his cheeks were warm to the touch. "What a bitch, why would she do that" he whispered to himself as he turned on the water, he let the water run for a few seconds before applying some to his face in attempts to cool him down. He heard the door open but he was too immersed in his own business to worry about who it was, it took him a few seconds to realize he didn't hear noise accompanied with the said person, he stopped the water and looked up quickly only to make eye contact with a familiar figure in the reflection. "Oh .. shit you s-scared me" Felix gasped as he turned swiftly to the boy.

Hyunjin stood there, staring into the blondes soul without saying a word. Felix felt his breath hitch as the silence overcame both of them and in a swift motion, the boy moved past Felix to a sink to wash his hands. The blonde took this moment to leave the bathroom, mainly because he was scared but before he could, "I don't mind you staring at me but next time be a little more discreet" the boy said, his voice was low and sultry. Felix didn't really have an idea of what his voice sounded like but this was definitely not it. The blonde looked at him for a second, taking in the words he just said and leaving right after, he left the bathroom and realized he was extremely late to class and there was no way he can come up with an excuse good enough to get him out of detention. Deciding to not go at all and instead go to his favorite place to ditch, the school garden on top of the art building.. he loved being there, it was peaceful and beautiful. All the plants and flowers of different colors making it feel like some sort of Utopia, upon arriving there he texted his boyfriend once more.

He felt weird when his boyfriend wasn't around, almost like a part of him was missing and although to most that would seem like a sweet sentiment, it wasn't actually a good thing, well to felix at least.
He and his boyfriend met in 9th grade well let's just say his boyfriend started approaching him in 9th grade, the blonde was fresh into high school and like most predicted including his older brother, he attracted lots of people including his boyfriend who is a year older then him. At first it was flattering but it quickly turned overwhelming as many people wanted to take him out, his boyfriend was no exception, if anything he was the most persistent of them all. Showing up to his house with gifts, texting him long paragraphs of how special he was and of course getting close to chan in hopes that he'll like him enough to put in a good word to Felix. The blonde can't recollect what event finally made him give in and give him a chance but it's evident it worked and now they've been together almost a year.
They had a typical high school relationship, both were lovey dovey and head over heels and they were popular so everyone knew about it. He was a sweet guy.. in the beginning, don't get it wrong he's still nice but he's VERY overbearing. He was constantly on Felix and his every move, always wanting to be with him and the minute Felix would attempt to put any sort of boundaries, he'd turn into a moping mess. On top of the overbearing behavior he was very insecure, Felix has always wanted to be a cheerleader ever since he was little and everyone who knew him, knew this so when he entered high school, his main goal aside from graduating with honors was to become part of the "Seoul Angels" which was the name of their cheer squad.

Along with other potential cheerleaders he auditioned with he was one of the few that got accepted, ( thanks to his mom for putting him in gymnastics and dance ) everyone was excited for him, knowing this meant everything to the blonde except one person who couldn't contain their bitterness. His boyfriend who had only been with him a month was anything but supportive, he tried many times to get Felix to not audition.. it wasn't because he didn't want him to chase his dreams but more so the fact he'd be wearing a short skirt and be performing in front of the school, which meant guys.

*ring ring*

"Hello" Felix answered

"Hi cutie ! Sorry I missed your call ! How's school ?"

"It's alright.. I'm not in class right now though"

"Why aren't you in class ?"

"I just was overwhelmed and I needed to catch a breather" Felix sighed.

"Oh ... ok"

Felix could sense his boyfriends tone change "what ? You don't believe me ?" He said growling annoyed.

"Well .. you've never done that before and now you are .. when I'm not there"

"How many times do we have to do this .. I call you to relieve my stress, not add on to it"

before he could reply "look I have to go the bell is going to ring any second" Felix sighed.

without giving the boy much of an option to say something back, he hung up the phone. He threw back his head and took a deep breath before going back downstairs.

Outcast ( Hyunlix ) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt