Chapter 12♡

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Soooo I suddenly had this energy at 2 a.m, but I postet it now, because yeahhh. Also the reason why I didn't post is, because I didn't have motivation and I was grounded and wasn't allowed to use my phone, but I tried my best writing it with 2%, at 2 a.m, while being tired af. Anyways enjoy

!!Mention of slight sexual harrassment!!

~Rengoku's pov♡~
We were about to kiss, until a sudden noise startled us. We seperated from one a nother. We both look to the side as it became awkward between us. Dammit, so close, yet so far!

We heard another noise, figuring it comes from within the bushes like forest. "Let's get you to safety. Wouldn't want my Kyojuro to freeze to death", he tries to lighten the mood. I just nod and give him a smile, making all of this a bit less embarrassing.

We started walking to my house, as I felt a cold hand interwine with mine. I blush a pinkish color, as I look at Akaza with the corner of my eyes. He's also blushing a pink tone.

After a while of just awkward silence, us holding hands, sounds of the rain and us getting soaked, we reached the Rengoku eastet. I kinda feel bad for him because he has to go home alone.

"You sure you'll be okay?", I asked him, worry laced over my face. He chuckles lighty. "I'll be just fine, don't you worry your pretty little head about me", he told me, making me blush. As he was about to leave, I yell for him to stop.

He turns around, curious as to why I stopped him. I fidget a bit with my fingers, stumbeling on my words. "C-could I have your phone number?", I carefully asked, looking to the side. He came to me and gave me his phone.

I got the signal and took his phone. I then start to write my phone number in it and call my phone. Then I gave it back to him. "Thanks", I told, to which he quickly nodded. "Well, gotta get going, see you on monday", he said. "I had really much fun today", he told me, as he came closer. But what happened next schocked me.

He kissed me on the forhead. Akaza. Kissed me. On the forhead! I'm about to faint. I stare at him with wide eyes, as he smirked. He waves, goodbye, as he leaves. As soon as he was gone, I snapped back to reality. Oh my god, did that really just happen?!

I must calm down and go to bed now for a clear mind. I quietly opened the door and closed, but I was quickly attacked.

~Author's pov♡~
"Where were you!?", my father whisper-yelled. I could see the worry in his eyes. I felt guilty. I didn't even call him to tell him I was alright. I'm such a bad son. He must have taken my silence for a misunderstanding, because he bombed me with questions. "What happened, was it that guy? Did he make you uncomfortable? Did he treat you bad? Did he hold you back from getting home? Did he sexual harrass you?!", my father asked angry, not with me, but with Akaza.

"Don't worry father! Akaza is a really sweet guy! He tried to bring me home, but there were some issues and no he didn't make me uncomfortable in the slightest, it was the complete opposite! I had really much fun! I swear!", I try to assure my father, but he just looked skeptical.

"Why did you come home then in the rain? Didn't he have a car?", he asked suspicious. I'm litterally sweating, what do I do?!

"Oh, look at the time, I'm really tired, imma go to bed!", I said, smiling nervously. Father didn't believe me, of course, but he let it slide. "Tomorrow we will talk about this", he told me as I was almost up the stairs. I look down and nod, even tho he can't see it.

I went into my room and flop onto the bed. Luckily today is Friday so tomorrow is no school. 'What has my life become', I thought, as I sigh out loud to myself.

So I know this chapter is short and you guess deserve a longer chapter since I didn't post in a while but I swear, tomorrow will come two long chapters, so don't ya worry anyways hoped you liked it

Now for today's fact
Fact nr. 6:
Kyojuro and Senjuro once caught their father looking at 'am I a best as a father figure or a mother figure' test online and joke about it till this day.

Anyways, I'll see ya'll next time

Words: 790

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