Chapter 24♡

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I'm litterally writing this with 18%, so I don't know how it will end, but I'll try my best to write this chapter, without stressing. I hope you still enjoy this crappy chapter

~Author's pov♡~
Rengoku started going to school again, principle Kanae being frustrated with Rengoku, him being several days not at school. She thought about giving him a punishment, but luckily, Shinobu, her younger sister, stopped her and talked with her. Kanae understood and gave in.

Kyojuro was thankful for Kocho and her kindness, as he wanted to repay her, but she just said it's fine and that's what friends are for. Rengoku was just happy for his friends, they were the best. He hasn't seen Tengen since and his friends start to worry.

Every time they if he has seen him, he just shrugs and tells them he hasn't heard a word from him. Kyojuro hated to lie through gritted teeth, but what was he suppose to do? He can't tell them the criminal stuff he has done, even tho it hurted him. So he is trying to forget it ever happened, part of him also wanted to forget that he, himself murdered someone.

It also came on the news, that in an abandoned old building, there were many dead bodies and police still search for the maniac who did this. In Kyojuro's case, it was maniacs, but he couldn't tell that to anyone, since it would make them suspicious.

Also, the stalker doesn't send him threates anymore or blackmail, for which he is thankful, but he still is always tensed up and has his guard on. His friends find that weird, but don't question their fellow friend, not that they wanted to be rude.

Rengoku has seen a mop of pink hair a lot in crowds, but it was always his brain playing tricks on him. He began having panic attacks and some were even strong, particually after having a nightmare. He began being paranoid. Shinobu suggested he should go see a mental health doctor, but Kyojuro could never bring himself to go to one, scared that he might spill some intresting informationen.

But...Kyojuro started to notice something. Every time at night, he would see Akaza staring at his window. At first, he thought maybe it was his imagination, but as time went on, he realized it wasn't his brain messing with him. It was the real Akaza. So, he would always secretly stand by his window to also watch Akaza until he left. Sadly, Kyo could never see where he went off to.

But one time when Rengoku was done staring, since Akaza left, he was getting ready for bed, but he suddenly got a text from an unknown number. He thought it was a creep, until the number said it was Akaza. Rengoku wasn't all to sure if this was a trap or not, until the number called him and it was indeed, Akaza on the phone. Kyojuro was more happier than ever at that moment.

But back to the thing with Akaza and the window. Kyo has had some thoughts about following Akaza. On the one hand it seemed like a good idea, on the other hand it seemed like a terrible idea. It was certainly giving him a headache. Not only this whole Akaza thing, but school to. In a few months are his final exams and he hadn't had a chance to study at all. Kyojuro was scared he would fail or that Akaza won't make it, since he was on the lose.

But one day, something happened. Like a miracle. A miracle, that brought tears to Rengoku's eyes. He decided once to bravely go downstairs and watch TV. He was thankful, that his father was at work, so he didn't have to worry about anyone disturbing him. He put on the news and what they said shocked him.

"Breaking news!", a woman spoke softly, "wanted criminal Akaza, who has broken out of jail, is actually innocent, as it was proven today, that he didn't burn the local restaurant *****. It was just some accident in the kitchen, since the stove had some issues. Which means Akaza is fully innocent and free to go, but if you see him, report it the police. Now some words with the owner of the restaurant...", the woman said, but Kyojuro muted her, as he turned off the TV, as he cried tears of happiness.

He was standing, as he was still shocked about what the news lady had just told him. In that moment, Senjuro hesitantly entered the room. "B-brother, what's going on..?", he asked his older brother, as he hid behind a wall, not out of fear.

It made sense why he came down here, Rengoku was being a bit to loud. But he didn't care at the moment and just took Senjuro into his arms and spinned with him. His younger brother started to laugh, as Kyo joined in, as they hugged in the end.

"So, what's gotten you so into a happy mood?", Senjuro asked curiously. Kyojuro smiled at him and whispered mostly to himself, but also that the younger Rengoku could hear. "Akaza is free and proven innocent.." Kyojuro whispered with a smile, as Senjuro's eyes widen at what his older brother just said.

~Time skip: Rengoku's back in his room~

As Rengoku was in his room again, he thought about the idea about following Akaza and decided he would do it. Nothing bad could happen now that Akaza is innocent.

~Rengoku's pov♡~
I was in my bed happy about the fact Akaza is let free. He can now go back to school and I can rest a bit. But then the idea of following him, came to mind. It would be a good idea. My brain was trying to get me to accept the idea, but I was hesitant. Would it be a good idea? You know what, I will go and follow him.

And that's what I did. I waited until he came to the hour he always came and stared at my window. I hid pretty well, behind the curtain. As Akaza came in view, my breath hitched and my heart sped up. This is it. I let out a shaky breath, as I watched him like a hawk.

Sometimes I looked at the clock to see when he would disappear. Until suddenly, I close my eyes for a second and then he was gone. What the?! Did he see me or was it time for him to leave!?

I couldn't think further, as I started to leave the house and run somewhere. I don't know why, but my gut feeling told me, I should follow this path. I was still in my night gown and it was freezing outside, but I didn't care. As I ran into a forest, deeper and deeper. I felt like passing out, my legs starting to hurt, but I told myself to keep running. And so I did.

Until, I could finally see him. Akaza! That was what my thought was. I ran more silently, as we came across a little house. I hid behind a tree, watching Akaza enter that house. I even saw Kokushibo and Douma! So this is where they live now...

I wonder why they live here now and why they ran away. But I do feel bad and guilty. But I couldn't forget my main reason why I'm here. As Akaza went inside and closed the door after himself, I let out a shaky breath.

What should I do now? Should I go spy on him or knock on the door, like, what would be the least awkward? Kyojuro didn't now what to do, now that he found Akaza. But one thing was sure for him.

"Akaza, now that I have found you, I'm never letting go"....

Yeah, so this chapter is actually really trash and that's because I was under so much pressure, finishing this, before I ran out of battery. I hope you can forgive me for that and I swear the next chapter will be better.

Anyways, time for another fact:
Fact nr. 18:
Senjuro likes it when you pick him up and start to spin around.

That's all for today, bye!

Words: 1384

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