Chapter 22♡

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Hello guys, sorry I didn't update sooner, it's just that, my sister deleted wattpad and I had to install it again and the second reason was, because I had a mental breakdown, because my mental health is getting worse and worse, but I'll still upload. Now onto the story.

(This chapter will mainly focus on how Kyojuro feels)

!Sensible topics, slight swearing, mean names, depression, nightmares and more!

~Rengoku's pov♡~
As I woke up from another nightmare, I suprised myself to see it was 7:15 a.m. I decided to get ready, since I can't get back to sleep. So as I got ready and looked at the mirror, I could see a murderer look back at me. I killed that guy, I killed that guy with my very own hands. I started trembling. Suddenly I heard a soft knock on my door.

I hesitate a bit, but I told them to come in. Inside came a nervous Senjuro. You could see from his puffy red eyes that he has been crying. It shattered my heart to see him like that. "Was is it that you need, Sen", I asked, my voice sheakier than I have wanted it to be.

He then looked me in the eyes, tears dwelling up inside his glossy eyes. "I-i made you some breakfast..", Senjuro announced, coming closer. I smile slightly, to broken to even give my brother a proper happy face.

I got closer to him and gave him a hug, in which he instantly melted into, as he began crying again and apologizing for something he hasn't done. I tried to calm him down, which after a time worked. I layed him on my bed since he has fallen asleep. I went downstairs, not worrying about father, since he's at work.

I ate the breakfast Senjuro made and washed the dishes, even tho I felt no energy. Suddenly I saw a pink haired guy with blue eyes a little away from my window. I quickly opened the it, only to find pure nothingness. I let out a big sigh, as I start to image things now.

As I was done, I noticed that something. "Wait, if Akaza and the others had such expierence fighting with weapons, does that mean they did fight sometime with weapons in their past..?", I thought while I shuddered.

I went outside for fresh air, considering it was still early in the morning and I didn't know what to do. I went to our porch, until I saw something horrifying. On a wall, across was a picture of me killing someone and there was a letter written in blood. I quickly made my way torwards the letter, before anyone could see it. The blood was still fresh, so it hadn't been here for long. I started to read it.

Dear Kyojuro,
As you may know, we had our ups and downs in the past, but we will remind you to not report us to the police or we will simply show them this picture of you murdering an innocent person. We suggest you to stay quiet to anyone who asks, since we are always watching, remember that.

With sincerely love, your enemies

I ripped both, letter and picture, while feeling watched, as I look around. This is such a sick joke, it isn't funny anymore. This all happened because I approached Akaza. But do I regret it? Nope.

In fact, I'm is thankful for it. Never had someone cared for me with such love and care and now that I have found someone like that, I can't just simply let him go. I sighed as I wanted to make my way home again. Then I saw the pink haired again. But when I closed my eyes and opened them again, he was gone.

Yeah, I was definietly going crazy. I start to hallucinate, that Akaza is only a few feet away from me. But always when I close my eyes and open them, he vanishes into thin air. I know that he isn't there, but I always fall for this cheap trick.

And it went like this for days. I saw the pink-haired guy everywhere. When I went to school, to the grocery store, at home and in my neighborhood. It was driving me crazy, to the point I started having panic attacks.

My weak heart couldn't take something like this. It couldn't take such pain anymore. I didn't want to see anyone anymore. Nothing ment anything to me. It was all hell.

~Author's pov♡~
Kyojuro became depressed, after only a week of the incident. He wouldn't go to school, even tho his father forced him. He wouldn't take showers or sleep. He would only cry and have panic attacks, as he isolates himself in his room. He never got out of bed and ate less and less, becoming way to skinny.

Rengoku always cried, thinking of the memories of him and Akaza, before everything that had happened. Fuck Tengen. Fuck that stalker. Fuck everything. And fuck him for being so stupid. Kyojuro hated himself the most for being so oblivious and dumb for believing every single lie he's been told. He hated himself to the core. He hated himself to the point, he didn't want to exist anymore.

Rengoku laid down onto his bed, as he slowly but surely, drifted into an endless sleep. His breathes were shaky, but even. He furrowed his brows in his sleep, as he had another nightmare.

This time, it was a different nightmare. He was surrounded by his most beloved people. But they all looked down on him with disgust. He heard them call him hurtful names. Such as; liar, fake friend, disgrace, mistake and other names. He looked at all the familiar faces saying rude and false information about him. But the one that scared him the most, was Akaza himself. He looked at Kyojuro, with so much hatred as if they were enemies. His looks and words hurt the most. "How could I have ever loved someone as worthless and pathetic as you, you deserve nothing, I hate you!", Akaza yelled at him.

That's when Kyojuro awoke from his awful dream, sweating. He calmed himself down and looked torwards the window, seeing it was still nighttime. Rengoku successfully calmed down, as he was glad, that he woke up from that nightmare. He stood up and went and took a shower for the first time in ages.

What he didn't know was, that a certained pink-haired guy was standing outside his house, staring at the window of Kyojuro's bedroom. He stayed their, not moving and just watched for quite a while, until he left into the cold night, only having one thought;

"I'm sorry Kyojuro, soon things will be better and I promise you to make you happier, everything will be alright, love".....

I'm sorry that this chapter is so shitty, but as I said I'm feeling shitty myself, so I hope you understand that. I'm trying my best to upload and I don't know when the next chapter will come out, since my mental health is getting worse, but I won't stop uploading, that's for sure. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, even tho it was trash.

Now for today's fact:
Fact nr. 16:
Shinjuro never learned how to cook, but Senjuro was taught by their mother, so he cooks for the family.

Anyways, I'll see you next time!

Words: 1247

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