Chapter 33♡

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Hey everyone, I know it's been a while, more than a week or so and I'm super sorry for that! I was working on my other book and school work, since tests and homework are becoming a lot and also my doctor appointments are getting out of hand, so I can't update so often like I used to, but I'll try my best and I promise you, I won't take such long break again. Also, on the 12th and 13th october, I won't be uploading, so just that that's clearified. Now onto the story!!

~Rengoku's pov♡~
After our second date, (and my father ungrounding me) Akaza and I have been going out for a while and I always catch me falling in love with him even more than before. He's always so sweet to me and gets me gifts, when I'm sad he comforts me and cuddles with me, when I have problems, he tries his best to solve them and overall does everything for me.

I always have to blush, while feeling millions of butterflies in my stomach, flutterling of the thought of Akaza and his gentleness. And his eyes, his eyes, that always shimmer with love looking at me. I truly feel in love with Akaza. But, the thing I'm always asking myself is, if we are going on dates and are in love with each other, then why aren't we a couple.

This thought occupied my mind for a while, giving me a headache. I could litterally break my head, just because of this thought. I sighed, as I couldn't think of that right now. In a few hours I have a date with Akaza and I wanted to buy new clothes. I stood up and took my phone, my keys and my wallet, as I was already changed.

I looked at the clock. Shit, the mall in my town is going to close in 25 minutes. I stood here stupidily for a half an hour just because of the thought if he loved me or not. I groaned, as I dashed out my room and into the hallway, putting on my shoes and dashing out (not before locking the door).

I ran to the bus station, barely making it, as I step in, panting as I stood since there were no seats left. The first few station nothing amazingly happened, but then I got this feeling that, someone was watching me, so I looked around. I saw everyone being busy with their own thing, to busy to pay any attention to me, giving me the chills.

I got off the bus a few stations to early, thinking this paranormal feeling with stop, but I was wrong. I felt the presence so close, I could litterally feel their breath, but when I turn around, there was nobody in sigh. Fear filled my body, as I started running torwards the mall, while all the way people were giving me weird glances.

As I finally arrived, the feeling disappeared, making me sighed out of relief. I calmed myself down and started to doubt myself and was trying to tell myself that it was all in my head. When I looked at my phone, I saw I only had one hour left, so I better hurry.

Firstly, I went into a clothing store. Akaza said we were going to a picnic, while watching the sunset. Soo romantic! I smile thinking of the thought, as I looked at some cute crop-top sweathers. When suddenly I got this feeling again. I sharply turn around, hastily looking at my surroundings, but I could only see people shopping, trying on things, asking for help or asking their friends for their opinion on clothes. I slowly turn around thinking it was nothing.

I decided on a white sweather with red and orange flames on it with a hood. I also took matching pants, that had flames on them and a belt with a heart on it, for the love vibe. I could still feel like someone was watching my back, as I side-eyed the corners first, before turning around again. I still couldn't find anything suspicious, as I doubted myself multipule times, telling myself I'm just tired or whatever.

I went to another store and bought myself some new shampoo's. One particularly caught my eyes. It was red and green. "The same color as Tengen's nails", I mumbled to myself, before shaking my head violently. No! I couldn't think of that Bastard at a time like this! I look away and got my stuff, as I paid for it.

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