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Hello, hello everyone! Welcome to my QnA, where I'll be answering your questions and some of my own (because I'm a loser). I know I said I'll post this after school, but I fell asleep, so bear with me. Anyways, here is how it'll look like:

I am gonna tag the person who wrote a question down (or told me privately)
Q= question
A= bold

Anyways let's get started!

1. Question is from galaxy_moon1432:
Q: Will you write other ships?
A: Yes, indeed I will. I already have planned to write a inozen story for my sister and another ship inspired by Funky_Duckling

2. Question is also from galaxy_moon1432:
Q: And where do Akaza and Rengoku live?
A: They live in town, that doesn't specificially have a name, but you could call it the 'kimetsu town/street'

3. Question is from _noneofurbusiness_:
Q: Why did you start to write this story?
A: As a child, I always loved to write and one day in 2020 I discovered Wattpad and read it everyday. In june, I made this acc and started to fullfill my childhood dream, which was writing my own book, since I always wanted to be an author.

4. Question is from Flowersareebeautiful:
Q: What does Rengoku want to be when he grows up?
A: He wants to be a teacher at the school he goes to now (just like in kimetsu no school)

5. Question is from iloveanimeeeeforever:
Q: Does Akaza have parents? Or does he still live with his friends?
A: Akaza doesn't have parents, they died, but so did the parents of the other 'upper moons'. So now they live together, because they grew up when they only had each other

6. Question is from myself:
Q: What is Akaza's and Rengoku's relationship?
A: They are best friends

7. Question (the rest is from me)
Q: Will I ever see the masked stalker?
A: I will expose who it is very soon

8. Question
Q: How many chapters will this book have?
A: I can tell you, we are nearing the end

9. Question
Q: When will I update on my other book?
A: Probably in the next few days, it's just hard, but I will update, I promise. It's just school and this book have taken all of my free time so yeah

10. Question
Q: Why do I not post/update so much?
A: Because I have a lot of school stuff to do since I have two exams and one test nearing and they just fuck the childrens mental health (the school). Thats one reason, the next is my motivation and illness. I have epilepsy and I mostly have to go to the doctor, being absent from school and not having time writing, because I need to worry about my health, since it's not looking good right now, not only because of my epilepsy and my motivation just always leaves me and it's hard for me

11. Question
Q: When will a new book come out?
A: When I'm done with this one and my when my Giyuutan book is going great

That was all for the QnA, I'm sorry if you didn't get the chance to comment or if some things didn't get answered how you would've liked it, but maybe if ya'll would like, I could do another QnA, where I'll add things I may have forgotten.

Anyways, I love you and I'll see you next time, bye!



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