Chapter 30♡

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Yes, I understand that I'm writing two chapter in one night and yes, I know that I'm tired, but I have good reasons why I'm torturing myself. 1. I have a goal, which consist of having 30 chapters before school and 2. So ya'll have something to read and be happy. Anyways, to anyone being awake right now, hello, I am very hungry and it's almost 3 a.m. But without further to do, let's get started.

! Slight smut and slight swearing !

~Author's pov♡~
As the judge was about to hammer, the man in the suit came. "Excuse me sir, I have come to report that the results have come in", the man said, making his way torwards the judge, handing him the results. Everyone silently whispered amongst themselves, as the judge inspects the results carefully. After a while, he put the papers away and took his hammer again.

"It has been decided, that Akaza is let free and Tengen Uzui is sentenced to prison for five years for lying and faking proof for something Akaza didn't do", the judge said, as he hammered and the crowd ingulfed into cheers. Tengen furiously stood up. "BUT WHAT ABOUT THE RAPING?! AKAZA LIED ABOUT THAT!", Uzui said. The judge looked at Akaza, as he argued with Tengen. Kyojuro just had to step in.

"I wish to speak!", he said, loud enough for the judge to hear him. The said man, hammered and it quieted down in the room, as everyone sat down. Rengoku breathed out. "I...I did get raped and I know who my rapist was, even tho I lied and said I didn't", he stopped for a second, before he continued talking, "it was in fact Tengen Uzui who raped in school at a quarter to four!", he exclaimed, while looking at the floor. The crowd gasped one more time.

"I can't believe you did that, what kind of person are you actually, you motherfucker?!", Sanemi yelled at Tengen, who just was quiet the whole time, processing this whole thing. The mysterious girl has also gone back to sitting down and staying quiet.

"If that's the case, I put two more years to Tengen Uzui's time in prison!", the judge said and hammered once again. "Guards! Take him away!", the judge said. Before Tengen could do anything, he was held tight by two men, who escorted him outside. "YOU ALL ARE GOING TO PAY, EXPECIALLY YOU KYO AND AKAZA!", Tengen yelled, before he was brought out of the courtroom.

Soon after, everyone left and it was time to go home and celebrate. As Akaza was celebrating with Kyojuro and his friends outside, a short girl with black and purple hair came to them. They know her as one of Kyo's friends. But why did she come here? She looked very nervous as she fidgeted with her fingers and bit her bottom lip. "Kyojuro-san?", she softly said.

The male turned around, facing her. "What do you need, Shinobu?", he called her by her first name. No nickname, which hurt Shinobu, but she didn't show it. "I came her to apologize, Mitsuri has already forgiven me and I hope you can to. Not that I'm saying you have to, it just would be nice to be friends again", she apologized to Kyojuro, as he gave her a soft smile.

Before he could answer, he felt someone take his hands in theirs, as he saw Akaza interwining their hands together. He shot him a quick smile, before he returned his attention to Shinobu again. "I gladly accept your apology and I'm happy to see you've seen and learned your mistake", Kyojuro said, happy like always. "Also the others would like to hang out, since we've not done that in a while", Shinobu said, while smiling. Kyojuro looked behind himself, looking at his other friends, before looking back at Shinobu.

"I would love to, but for the time being I would like to hang out with my other family", Rengoku said and pointed behind himself. Some of the so called people shined and were exciting, while the others didn't care. Akaza was smirking, thinking to himself, how he caught a fish like Kyo.

Shinobu looked behind him and understood quickly, as she gave an understanding nod. "Ara ara, you can always call us when you have time for us, Kyojuro-san!", Shinobu said before going back to the others, a purple butterfly chasing after her. Kyojuro looked at her until she was back at his other friend group.

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