Thank you sm!!!♡

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I...can't believe we made it. I really can't believe it! I was just chilling in my country, when I noticed we reached 3k+ readers. You all are insane, getting us to this goal, thank you! I feel like I don't say thank you often enough or do it properly, but im actually thankful!! I love you all for getting me to this achievement!!

A reader of mine (Fantasy_L0v3r) told me, she'll read my story until I have more than 3k readers. I told her that it will never happen and that it'll only work in my dreams, but you all made it true. I thought of it as a joke, but ya'll weren't joking, thank you so so much, ya'll don't know how much I cried and celebrated when I saw we hit another goal.

I'm really thankful from the 1 to the last reader of mine and thank you again for reading my story and supporting me through out and never stop to support me. I know I say this every time and I'm not good with saying my thank you's, but please know that, I love each and everyone of you with the bottom of my heart.

You all have become a part of me and even tho I don't always have time to update, I still think about ya'll. I will always love you all and remember everyone who's supported this story and my upcoming ones! Thank you all so so much♡♡♡

As for a 3k+ special, I thought I'll do a QnA, where you can ask questions that you've been asking yourself about my story (you can ask more than one question) and I'll even make my own questions, so things are cleared up and better understood. So please write any question down in the comments if you have any and of course you aren't force to, remember that! I'll probably write the QnA tomorrow after school, so if you have a question, you better write it quick!

Last but not least, remember to never give up on your dreams, no matter what anyone says. I believe in you and I believe that you can do it, just have faith in yourself! You can successed anything with even the tiniest bit of hope, never forget that and keep on dreaming!♡

Also, don't forget that I love you and I always will♡♡♡♡

Words: 388

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