Chapter 21♡

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So, I'm back at it and I have more motivation to write thanks to another writer. But anyways, you'll probably see more chapters the following days, but I can't promise anything, because my chapters mostly are written when I feel like it and when I'm in a good mood, for which I hate myself. I hope you can forgive me for that. Also thank you for over 900 reads! I can clearly remember how happy I was when we were at 100 reads and now we're almost at 1k!! I wanted to thank you all for making this all true and making my dream come true!!♡ Now onto the story.

!Nightmares, swearing, weapons, angst, depression and more!

~Rengoku's pov♡~
I looked shocked to find Akaza, standing behind Tengen, while holding a gun. The shock was visible on my face. I thought he was in prison?! Is this a sick dream? Did we lose and I'm expierencing a sickly nightmare?

"A-Akaza..?", I slowly ask, making sure he, in fact, was there. He slightly turned his head torwards my side, eyes only leaving Tengen for a second. "Hello, Love", he said, proving the point that he's standing there. I felt the urge to cry. I was overwhelmed with a lot of feelings right now; sadness, relief, shock and the most..disbelief.

I couldn't say anything. My throat felt so tight. I couldn't breath. Before I could say or do anything any further, Akaza already spoke up. "Now, you little motherfucker either leave her alone or you won't see another day", Akaza threatened.

But Uzui just laughed like a mad man. "Shoot me, but I'll definietly take her with me and my men will take you down, your lose", Tengen told him, not caring about death.

Just then everyone heard police sirens coming closer and closer. "Shit", was my only thought. We freed Daki quickly from the ropes, as all ran away, Tengen and his gang faster than us, as we didn't see them after they left from all directions. We quickly escaped, before the police arrived. As we ran away, they all jump over a wall.

As I couldn't do that, I had to find another way. The last person to jump over was Akaza. He turned to me, his gaze oddly softly, as he came closer. "We will see us again, my love", he said, as he passionately kissed me on the lips. I melted right away into the kiss. Just feeling Akaza's touch again was enough.

I haven't even noticed, but silent tears ran down my eyes. My feelings torwards Akaza were still unknown to me, but I felt great within is presence. We could hear the police, so we quickly broke the kiss. I look at him in the eyes, as I cover my mouth from sobs escaping it.

I blush, as my tears wouldn't stop running down. Akaza gave me one last kiss on the forhead, before he also jumped over the wall. A police officer was investigating the area they're were in, as I hid behind another abandoned house.

When the officer left, I quietly and safely ran back home, slamming the door quietly shut. I knew that today Senjuro and father were out, since they marked it on the calander. I shakingly went up to my room, slamming the door, locking it. I had been kidnapped only to see Akaza again...

Then also I saw my suppose best buddy fighting and acting out of character in front of my eyes. He was working with the stalker all this time. Every letter, every picture, every threat, was from my best friend. I felt used, which I also was. I felt anger, rage and sadness, all build up inside me.

I punched my wall and surprisingly, I punched a hole inside it. What is happening to me..? I look down to my hands, seeing them tremble, that's when I also noticed my tears are not going to stop any time soon. Oh mom, I need you...

~Time skip, a few days later, Kyojuro returned back to school from trauma~

~Author's pov♡~
As Rengoku made his way torwards his school he felt so drained out. He didn't sleep the whole night, worrying about Akaza and the others. As he saw his school in sight, he wanted to turn away and go back home, locking himself in his room. Basically, isolating himself. His brother and father were happy to see him at home again, but started worrying when they didn't see the cheerful-Kyojuro, more like depressed-Kyojuro.

His father knew deep down inside his heart it was his fault and it shatterned him. He didn't want to see his son suffer from his own father. Senjuro on the other hand started distancing himself from Kyojuro, giving him space, fearing he might not want to talk. Senjuro also didn't talk to his father and stayed up late. He also cried every night, wanting his life to go back to normal. The Rengoku family was right now seriously fucking messed up.

Kyojuro interrupted his own thoughts of trains, as he stepped foot onto school property. He took a deep shaky breath, as he slowly started walking to the building. He felt like crying again. He felt like screaming his lungs out, not to go in there. But he did. And when he did, all the looks where on him. All of them were suprised and worried and in a second, Rengoku is swirmed will all kinds of students, asking where has he been, how is he feeling, why was he missing etc.

And then his friends came running. Well Mitsuri came running. "Ahhh! KYOJURO-SAMA WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!", the sweet girl cried out letting tears out. He looked at his other friends, which shared the same worry as her. "Ara ara~ Kyojuro-san, you and Uzui-san have been missing for quite some time, where were you?", Shinobu asked confused and worried for her friend's health. Kyojuro wanted to vomit at the mention of that name.

"I..uh.. was sick and couldn't go to school", the flame boy quickly made up an excuse for his absence. Sanemi and Obanai looked at him with suspicioun, not quite believing him. "You could have come to me anytime, you know", Kocho stated, as she was a great nurse. Rengoku just nodded and thanked the bell for dismissing him.

He quickly ran to his class, just hoping this hell of a day will go by quick. The day wasn't so bad. He only got a lot of weird glances and questions regarding his health and were he was these days. When hell was over, he didn't even wait for anyone, he straight went home.

But one thing was strange. Akaza and the others weren't at school today. He hadn't seen them all day today, regardless having some classes the same as them. And when he asked some people, they all answered with 'I don't know'.

The blackmailing hadn't completly stopped, but for this time being it did. Kyojuro was just reliefed right now to be home. He opened the door, as he heard his father in the living room and Senjuro in the kitchen. Neither greeted him, giving him space, for which he is thankful.

He went up to his room, locking it like always, as he changed and went straight to bed. All of this gave him a headache and hopes for which he can't give a reason. He didn't understand anything making him cry and become vulnerable. He hated himself for being this weak. He tried to sleep for the first time since the incident.

Kyojuro was somewhere he didn't recognized. He looked around, as fear started to build up inside of himself. He felt cold, betrayed, left alone. Everything was black. He felt like something was chocking him. He wanted it to stop. Suddenly, Rengoku was in front of Akaza's house. He knocked but no one answered. It was getting colder and harder to breath. He looked through one of the windows, but found no one inside. Then he went to the other window where he found a paper. On it was written in blood the words 'leave'. Kyojuro backed away in fear, when suddenly something stabbed him from behind. He looked down to see a knife. He scaredly turned around, only to see a smirking Akaza stabbing him. He heard the pink haired guy saying him to die and rot in hell, as his vision became black.

And that's when Kyojuro awoke from his horrible nightmare, as he sat up. He panted heavily, as he was sweating all over his body, as he was shaking. He looked at his nightstand, as he read the clock, 4:29 a.m. He placed a hand ontop of his forhead, as he steadid his breathing. He slowly breathed in and out. Rengoku also felt slight tears escape his eyes.

He laid back down, as he had another common nightmare, these happening often these past few days. Kyojuro reminded himself that it was just a harmless dream.

"It was just a nightmare..."

So this is more of an angst-type of chapter, which I couldn't believe I could write. Also, even tho I already asked once, but should I do a Q&A, let me know. Anyways I hope you still enjoyed it and I'm trying to get better at this, so it won't get boring and I hope you can understand that. Anyways, thank you all again for over 900 reads, I love you all so so so much, ya'll don't know how much this means to me, ya'll are just the best, thank you♡

Anyways, now for today's fact:
Fact nr. 15:
Shinobu is a genius when it comes to medicine, so the school nurse often asks for her help.

Well, see ya'll next time!

Words: 1648

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