Thank you so much!♡

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Okay, I just wanted to announce, that we officially reached 2k people who read/are reading my story! Thank you all so much for all your supportive, for your comments, for your 'likes' and for all your love! Even if you hated my story and left hate comments, thank you still so so so much!! This actually means so much to me, since nothing like this ever happened in my life and you all made my dream of being an successful author become true.

I just want to thank every single one of you, who stayed her from the beginning until now, to those who left meaningful and nice comments, who wait until I get to 3k to 4k etc, who boosted my energy and motivation, who understood me and had patience with me. I actually never thought we would make it so far or that someone will find this story. I thought maybe max. 10 people will find this story and read and I will have no comments whatsoever, but you all suprised me with something big and awesome and I couldn't ever thank you enough or repay you guys.

I really thought as we reached the 1k that this is it, we couldn't get further and even tho I was happy with 1k of you, ya'll still read and we reached 1k more people! At the start when I had 10-200 readers, I was amazed and now were already so far, thank you again. I can't thank you enough, I can't even say how thankful I am in words, since I was never good with expressions.

It was really always my dream since I was 6 to become a author as my future career (which I changed to doctor) and when I first started writing, I felt brave, since I was always scared of what others thought about my story. But you all made it clear to me, thank you. I have made it and I proudly call myself successful. Thank you all with all my heart, that you made my dream come true, even when I didn't believe it could happen. I would still like to do a 2k special (which will also be big since I forgot to do 1k special) to show you all how thankful I am.

What I want to say is, if you have a dream, continue following it, it doesn't matter how crazy, how long, how risky, how bad or anything it is, continue following it and don't let anybody get in your way and say otherwise. Your dreams matter and it effects you, not them. Don't ever listen to haters, who just bring you down to look better, just because they know you are better. Chase your dream and never give up.

Thank you all again, I love you more than you could ever imagine and I hope we all could stay in the future together, even when this book ends.

I love you and thank you!♡

Words: 501

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