Chapter 27♡

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Hey ya'll, I'm sorry I wasn't active for a while and that's not because my motivation was gone, no it was because my mental health was getting worse and I was having epileptical attacks more often and I couldn't write like that, so I had to first get more mentally stable, but now I'm back and I'm going to write more and try not to trigger my mental illness

! Giyuutan and talking about rape !

~Author's pov♡~
As Rengoku was laying there someone came around the corner. He was shocked to see Rengoku Kyojuro on the floor, half naked and cum on the floor. He quickly hurried to his side and picked him up. Rengoku was quite heavy, but he still managed to carry him. Luckily, noone saw him, as he came to the nurse's office, where tamayo and shinobu were already in.

As they turned to look at the savior, they noticed an unconscious Kyojuro, as their eyes widen. Kyo was scurried onto a bed and was exaimed. It didn't seem like something caught him, but he did catch a cold, since he laid on the floor for quite some time. Tamayo recommended that the guy should leave, but he wouldn't bug. She figured that must have been one of Kyojuro's friends, as Shinobu confirmed that.

As several time passed and Kyojuro was still not waking up, Shinobu and the guy got worried. Tamayo was working on some paper, as she changed Kyojuro and worked on his cold. Suddenly, someone came busting in. A red haired male with earrings, who seems to be a freshman. He opened the door without  knocking, as he panted. Tamayo didn't had to look up, as she knew who it was. "Tanjiro, how many times did I tell you, not to bust in, only because Tomioka is here?", she asked.

~Tanjiro's pov♡~
I quickly bow to her and apologize, since this is th nurse's room and sick people are treated here. "I am so sorry, miss Tamayo, it's just that, once I heard Tomioka-san was here, I couldn't help but worry sick, that something might of happened to him", I quickly said, my eyes darting from the floor to Tomioka. She nodded, but told me that was my last warning. As I stood up, I noticed Shinobu-can to, which left me kind of embarrassed, as I hurried to Tomioka's side.

"Did something happen? Are you hurt? Are you bleeding? How bad is it? Who was it? I'll beat their ass!", I bombed Giyuu with question, as Shinobu-chan answered instead. "Tanjiro-san, I must ask of you to be quiet, since there are other hurt people here and as of your question Tomioka-san is fine, but Kyojuro-san was attacked and assaulted", Shinobu responded, telling me to quiet down.

I notice that Giyuu-san was good shape like always, but as I look over to the bed, I notice Rengoku-san on the bed. I got upset, since Rengoku-san was my tutor and he was really kind. I sat down next to Tomioka-san and held his hand, as I prayed that Rengoku-san is going to wake up soon.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Shinobu-chan and Tomioka-san grieving. I just hoped to god, everything will end well. I let out a quiet sigh, that nobody, but me heard.

-With Akaza and the rest-
I was just chilling on my phone in the living room with the rest, when all of a sudden, Douma busted in. I groaned, as we all looked at him. We waited for him to talk, but what he said, made my heart stop beating. "Did ya'll hear? Kyojuro-sama is in the hospital~", he said innocently, as if it's the most normal thing in this whole entire universe. "What do you mean, 'he's in the hospital'?", Daki asked, dumbfounded.

"What I mean is, he was sexually assaulted and raped and now he is at the nurse's office", he answered her. They all looked at me, but I was already out the house. "Akaza-dono! Where you going?~", the blonde asked me, as I was running torwards exit of the forest I couldn't hear him. I was full of rage and wanted to kill anyone who dared to touch my Kyojuro and now that I found out someone raped him? Oh, I was going to kill that fucker.

As I arrived at the school, without getting spotted, I entered from the back, which was forbidden foe student's. As I quickly made my way torwards the nurse's office, I had to take a few deep breaths, to not tear open the door and demand for Kyo. It will only alarm the nurse and she will call the police. So even tho I didn't want to, I politely knocked at the door.

~Author's pov♡~
When Akaza heard a 'come in', he hesitantly went in. As all eyes were on him, the others were quickly alarmed. Tamayo went for the phone, Tomioka stood infront of Kyojuro and Tanjiro, protecting both and Shinobu was already reaching for something to hold him down. As Akaza had to quickly explain, that he only came here to see Kyojuro, the others were skeptical and didn't let their guard down.

Still, Giyuu let Akaza see Rengoku, as he knew how close the two were. The pink-haired male started to approach the bed on where Rengoku was laying down on. His face was red and he was sweating, signaling that his fever was getting worse. Akaza sighed, as he touched Rengoku's forhead.

Kyojuro whimpered slightly, but melted into Akaza's touch, making the pink-haired guy smile. Tamayo was stunned and asked how he did that, since Rengoku was unconscious for quite sometime and he hasn't moved at all. "I guess he just got used to my touch", Akaza simply replied, as noone questioned further.

-Few hours passed-
The sun is about to set and it was time to go. Tamayo was kind hearted and she had let Kyojuro stay here for the night. Shinobu went home a two hours ago, as she couldn't let her sisters worry. Tomioka and Tanjiro went soon after, saying that they also had to go. Tamayo worked on Rengoku's fever, as it was slowly sinking. She told Akaza that he had to leave soon, to which he refused. She sighed and gave him the keys to the nurse's office and her phone number, as she told him he should call her when Kyojuro decided to wake up, as she also left, leaving Akaza and Rengoku behind.

~Akaza's pov♡~
I sat on a chair, holding Kyo's hand, as I hoped he would wake up soon. I wasn't going to sleep until he would wake up. I got more and more anxious, as I never once picked up a phone call from one of my friends, scared that Kyo might wake up and I would not be available. I close my eyes and went through a list of who it could be. Then my mind landed on that motherfucker Tengen.

I felt the anger built inside me, as I imagined his smirk. I balled my fist and gritted my teeth, until I heard a soft voice call out my name. "A-akaza...?", I heard Kyo. I opened my eyes and immediatly hugged him, as he returned the hug. "Where am I..?", he asked confused, but I didn't answer. "I'm so happy you are okay", I said, completly ignoring his question.

As we talked for a bit and I answered all of his questions, a certain question swarmed my mind. " did he touch you and who was it?", I asked nervously for some reason. Kyojuro looked to the side for a second before answering. "I...can't remember who it was..but, I know that the only fingered me and they didn't put it inside of me..", he finally answered quietly. I wasn't quite satisfied by that answer, but left it to it.

I kissed his forhead and assured him that everything will be alright and that he should get some rest. As Kyojuro finally fell asleep with a smile, I pulled out a pocket knife and inspected it.

"I'm totally going to kill the motherfucker"....

I'm finally done with this chapter and I apologize again for being inactive, but now I'm back and I'm ready to write some new chapters! Also thank you for all your patience and support, I appreciate it a lot! Also I'm sorry for always ranting about my mental illness, it's just that, if I'm not updating, it's mostly because of my epilepsy. I hope you can understand.

Now, onto the fact:
Fact nr. 21:
As soon as Yushiro figured out Tamayo gave a guy her phone number, he put Akaza onto his black list.

Anyways, I hope you're doing great and I'll see you next time!

-As Tomioka and Tanjiro left the nurse's office, Giyuu took Tanjiro's arm and turned him around. "I thought I told you to call me Giyuu", Giyuu said sternly, looking into Tanjiro's eyes. But Tanjiro was only smirking, as he came closer to Giyuu. "I guess you have to teach me some manners~", he purred. Giyuu smirked and he dragged Tanjiro torwards his car, as he drove to his house, where they had fun.-

Anyways, goodbye for now!
Also, happy birthday Zenitsu! (03.09)

Words: 1576

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