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I PUT MY EAR to the door, and I hear the noise of Lexy's heels getting fainter. As soon as I no longer heard footsteps, I start rummaging in the room. The wardrobes, and drawers are completely empty, there is nothing anywhere. I look under the bed. Nothing there either.

This is all staged!

I snort, while feeling kind of exhausted.

I walk to the windows and try pulling it open. They are locked. I begin to fear that Lexy locked the door for a specific reason, and that it is to keep me from leaving.

But why lock me in the room...if the limo driver was here for me?

My head starts hurting again. I keep asking myself questions that I had no answer to. I should just take deep breaths. There is no need to panic!

It's clear that it seem like they don't want to let me go.

So I know for a fact that I'll be losing the flight back to Italy.

This concerns me.

There is no reason to panic...I'm about to be part of an extreme BDSM video. Am I going insane?

They can't force me into this if I don't want to do it.

There is no reason to panic...

Where are my friends?

I should have known that getting involved with Mijan was dangerous. He is dangerous to my health, because I know I'm going to say yes let's do it...

Easy money right?

Just use my body...

Part of me doesn't want to do this anymore.

Part of me wants to run screaming outside. Someone has to hear me yelling for help!

I sit in the middle of the bed, waiting for some noise that will make me understand that Lexy is returning. But I don't hear anything! I begin to get impatient. I get up and start pacing back and forth between the window and the door.

Extreme BDSM video...

Maybe this is phase one. The phycological breakdown process...

They always want to make it seem like they are the ones in control.

They are my masters.

I'm their sex slave.

I don't know...

Sex slave.


My mother didn't raise a quitter.

Scarlett! She didn't raise a quitter. But she also didn't raise a teen to fall into pornography...or prostitution...or whatever you want to call it.

Whatever happened to all those years of you going to church with your family? You had your first communion? You were baptized.

Just throw all in the air and decide to explore what is out there.

This is what is out here!

A life where you wanted to explore your sexuality, one little bit at a time.

You seek, and you found it!

You already have five thousand in the bank!

Fifteen thousand more, and you can finally buy a house!


My eyes are beginning to fill up with tears.

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