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$400 Million dollars!

"I did a quick search on the internet with these keywords: terrorist, Sam Mijan and I found out that the United States were offering rewards for handling him over to law enforcement."

Adrianna is ecstatic.

As if this money was off of a lottery ticket that we all bought together.

"I'm skimming through this one article here. They were distributing flyers offering a four hundred-million-dollar reward for information leading to the arrest of Sam Mijan. He was last seen in Berlin three months ago."

I pace the living area of our apartment, staring out of the window at the rain pouring outside.

$400 Million dollars!

My heart is pounding.

"Here is an article about you."

I stop walking.

"Say what?" I don't recognize my own voice, I'm so nervous.

There is a brief silence in the room. Inside I'm quaking.

"The police ask the media to keep the identity of the person who received this sum of money – hidden from the public. Quote: We are afraid if we reveal her identity, we will be making her a target and other terrorists might want revenge."

A lock of mousy blonde hair covers Giuliana's left eye.

"Another news source is saying that the police raided Mijan's mansion and discovered a promising new drug – the first of the world's enhanced formula 'date rape drug' – also known as 'roofies.'"

I knew about roofies. The practice of surreptitiously dosing people at parties or bars hit national headlines a few years ago and was framed as a pandemic.

"Remember Mrs. Loisel? Our high school guidance counselor that would force us to us take this unnecessary class that warned girls about going out and taking drinks from strangers. Most of the time these girls would wake up with no memory and no underwear."

"I hated it! The whole class was about three topics. All the diseases you can catch from having sex. Drinking and driving will kill you, and smoking causes cancer."

My uncle frowns as if he doesn't understand.

"I heard about all those things." I croak and clear my throat. Returning my attention to Giuliana. "What is so special about the drug found at Mijan's house?"

"They are saying that one powdered high dose can make someone feel the desire to have sex as many times as they wanted to."

"So, this is how The Collective were making money! They were having their models have altered drinks that would make them extremely horny and keep a high sex drive!"

"It says here that side effects can be drowsiness and fatigue. But not everyone felt any symptoms."

"I just remembered that all of us had a drink at Mijan's private party!" The anguish in Giuliana's voice demands my attention, so I peer unwillingly up at her.

With a shake, I clear my head.

"Everyone except for me!"

"Now it makes sense why Mijan took you to his house!"

Paradise 69Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz