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THE CAMERAMAN TRAILS ME towards the mansion. He is taking every inch of my perfectly round butt, to my sexy legs, to my slender hips. I raise the dark blue floral dress and reveal a G-string I'm wearing underneath.

"You have a seductive walk that could trouble the nerves and peace of mind of the guys in town."

I turn my head back at the cameraman with a smile on my face. The wind whips a strand of long blonde hair across my face, and I snag it back to behind my ear.

"All right! Cut." The director raises his hand in the air.

He steps down from his mobile chair and approaches me. A production assistant, wearing a headset, hands me shopping bags with a few items inside.

"We are about to begin filming you entering the mansion. You can pull out the phone, and call Mijan."

"Yes sir."

The director returns to his chair.


I remove the phone from the inside of the plastic bag and dial a number. Mijan answers on the first ring.

"Hey honey!"

A cold chill washes over me just by the sound of his voice. I'm going up the steps to the mansion.

"What are you doing?"

"I wanted to spice things up between us. I'm just getting home from shopping. I got some really sexy lingerie for when you get home. I'm so excited to see you."

"I'm sorry. But my flight has been delayed until tomorrow."

"Wait...what? You're going to have to stay another night in London? I mean, it's just that..."

I'm glancing around.

"...I'm here. At our new place. By myself again. You're never home."

"I'll make it up to you."

"Ok. It is what it is. I understand. You're always saying that. I guess. Well, just let me know when you're going to be home."

"I'm sorry. Take care."

"You too. Bye."

I hang up but continue to look at the black screen of my phone. I drop the shopping bags on the stairs and lower myself to sit next to it.

The cameraman stands in front of me. He zooms in at my sex, as the wind blows through my dress. Suddenly, the production assistant sneezes really loud.


The cameraman lowers his device.

"Sorry." The production assistant is waving at us in the background. "This is allergies. I promise."

"What? Are you allergic to pussy?"

"This generation is doomed." The cameraman smiles while chewing bubble gum.

"All right! Let's resume!" He glances at me. "Are you ready?"

I nod.


I click on my social media app. As I'm scrolling through my wall feed, I see a message pop up. It is a guy named Devon. We went to the same high school. I click on the message: "My mother has been tripping lately."

"What happened?" I write back.

"She blames me for getting our phone plan cut off. I was not even aware I had to pay for this every month. This phone was a Christmas gift! Not an extra bill to my never-ending debt."

I smile at the screen.

"What can I say about my mother...My mother used to say that if my man was never home to satisfy me...eventually I would find someone else that could."

It shows that he read the message. But he is not writing anything back.

"I'm sorry if I've said something that I shouldn't have."

"With all due respect, but your mother's wise words awaken my lust. What else is on your mind?"

"I just wanted to be really bad right now. Can you bring your friend Bonner?"

"Oh! You want to be really bad?"

"Yes! I want both of you at the same time."

"We will be there tonight! Get ready!"


A queasy feeling begins in my stomach. A new wave of nausea clutches my head. I feel lightheaded.

I can't believe I'm about to do this.

"Now let's begin scene three." The director yells through a loud speaker.

I grab the shopping bags on the stairs and stand up. Rubbing the dust off my butt, I turn towards the front door, and reach for the doorknob.

Paradise 69Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ