2 0 0

"SAM?" I LOOK AROUND the room. I firmly secure the towel around my torso, and under both of my arm pits.

He is nowhere to be seen. I notice that my dress is now occupying the area where I had seen him sitting the last time.

I walk to the window and pull one of the curtains to the side. Clouds got in the way of the moon, and a dim moonlight settled over the ocean. The deck is empty.

I hear someone knocking on the door. I suddenly turn around towards the sound.

"Who is it?"

My eyes are drawn to an envelope appearing sliding under the door. I walk around the bed, and glance down. I pick it up. It's all white. Unsealed. I turn the flap over and remove still photographs.

Who still uses camera to take photographs?

In this world of technology that we currently live in...all of my photos are taken with the camera of my phone.


What I am holding in my hands are photographs of...


They are so candid and yet looks so professional, almost posed.

The mirror in the bathroom must have been two-way or something...

They are rigged somehow!

I'm looking at semi – nude pictures of myself in the bathroom I just came out of.

Countless nudes...

Whoever is standing at the other side of the door have been watching me.

Where in the fuck is Sam right about now?

I swear some of his games creeps me out.

Is this the reason why he was looking at his phone?

Who was he talking to?

Looking at the doorknob with as much determination I could muster, I took a deep breath and pull the door open.

This is the evidence I needed!

The evidence I needed to break free from all of this madness.

And get away as far as possible from this Island!

I am going to stand up in front of this person and flat-out say: 'You broke the law; you've been taking pictures of me without my permission. I demand the release of my friends...'

But the person that I'm staring at on the other side of the door frame is not Mijan at all. Matter of fact, I can't really tell who it is. The person is wearing a long ear bunny mask and a breathtaking sexy bunny costume. By the body type...it is a female.

"What kind of sick game-" I take a step towards the door frame.

That is when I am able to see more. Two more people are to my left. They are tall. Muscular. Males. They are both wearing gold masquerade mask. It has a nice glossy coding which gives it an excellent final look.

Phantom masks...

"You can call this a sick game, or whatever you may like. But you know why we are here."

I stand there looking at the female with the bunny face mask.

"I'm sorry. But if I remembered correctly, in my Collective profile it stated that I was only interested in male/female role plays. Have yourself a good night."

Paradise 69حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن