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THE BEAUTY OF EXFIL is that one can breeze out of the airport and not wait endlessly for baggage at the carousels.

My mom is waiting with Vittoria's parents. It feels so good to see them. I don't know if it's because of exhaustion, the long journey, or the whole Mijan situation, but as soon as I'm in my mother's arms, I burst into tears.

"Oh Scarlett, honey. You must be so tired." She glances anxiously at Vittoria.

"Welcome back!"

Vittoria's parents are holding 'welcome back' balloons and flowers.

"Mom. Dad. It's just – I'm so pleased to see you." I hear Vittoria crying.

It feels so good and welcoming to be home. I see my uncle approaching while carrying a cup holder with Italian fresh brewed coffees. He gives me an awkward one – arm hug.

Thank God I'm wearing panties on.

Apparently, he feels it is ok to wrap his arms around me...

He slides his hand lower and tries to put his hands inside of me like an over mitt.

"I'm so glad you're safe."

"Aw, Giovanni, I'm just pleased to see you guys. It feels so good to be back home." I stare up into his handsome square – jawed face, and his twinkling blue eyes that gaze at me fondly.

"I know what your job is."

I grab a cup of coffee from the cup holder and glance at him awkwardly.

"What is it?"

"The one where you show your butt."

I give him an innocent look. My eyes open wide.

"How do you know?"

"I saw it."

I look away, and he whispers in my ear.

"You may be inexperienced, innocent – even naïve. But you're not immature."


Get away.

I push him off me.

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