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"THE PART I'M LOOKING forward to the most is when you'll arrive at this room."

"What is in here?"

His eyes are brimming with desire to have me.

"Hey, Maxx."

"Yes, sir." I glance over my shoulders.

Is he staring at my butt?

Such a pervert!

"Could you please go upstairs to the main floor and check if Ms. Bridget needs anything."

Mijan put his arm around me and hugs me.

"Yes, boss." He turns around and walks away.

Mijan glances at me, while opening the door.

"After you." He murmurs, gesturing with his long-fingered, beautifully manicured hand.

I hesitate to enter. The lights in the room are turned off. The afternoon sunlight is the only light illuminating the room through a side window.

"Are we in the basement?"


"Look Mr. Mijan. Enough."

I set the flowers on the windowsill.

"As you're fully aware of my situation, I'm not from here. I have a plane to catch, and I have no idea where are all my friends are? By now they are probably assuming that you've kidnapped me."

"I kidnapped you? Come on, honey! You're in a ten-star luxury mansion. This looks more like a true vacation than a kidnapping scenario. Your friends will be envying you right now."

"True! That my friends would be envying me right about now. But I don't even know where they are at? How are they doing?"

"I promise you that they are fine. Trust me. And if you lose this flight-"

"I'm definitely losing this flight. No doubt about it." I cut him off.

"I will buy you another ticket. I will upgrade you to first class. I will upgrade all of your friends' seats. Trust me."

"You want me to trust you? You're a stranger, border line maniac who sexualizes everything you see. Someone who posts our sex videos online."

"Ouch. Such caring words. Unfortunately, that is my part of my job. Post videos online. By the way... Did you check your social media account?"

"Of course, I didn't! You took my stuff from me!"

"Before you follow me inside. Go ahead, unlock your phone."

I glance at him while feeling confused.

"Go on. Check. Precisely, check your bank account."

I find the Banking App and use my thumb to take a look at what Mijan is talking about.


My eyes grow big the moment the app stop loading.


I glance at Mijan, and back at my phone.

"This...This is impossible!"

"Of course, it is. It's yours."

"How?" My hands are shacking.

He raises an index finger to his mouth.

"Let me see. This money represents you. How you've put countless men into sin. How you fit so well in this industry. How you are brave and decided to film this script. This is a gift, from me to you. For believing in this script. This money is also the advance deposit of the five thousand, and five hundred dollars for tonight modeling shoot."

"What we are doing is definitely not modeling."

He smiles.

"Right. Part of this money is also a bonus for that video I posted of us. Our 'first time' sex scene."

I narrow my eyes at him.

"Every time is going to be our first time."

He points his index finger at me.

"You're very smart! How did you figure that out?"

"A bird told me."

He suddenly grabs my forearm and pulls me towards the inside of the house. I want to make myself as small as possible. Perhaps this nonsensical pain will be smaller the smaller I am.

"Come give my bird a bath before the shooting begins."

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