♛ 26

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Weeks passed and Maxim was still unaware that I was still using drugs. In my defense, over the past couple of weeks, I had slowed down a bit. I wasn't using as much as I had the months previous and I believed it was because of Maxim. She made me feel guilty a lot. My conscience kept telling me that I was lying to her, which I really was. She thought that I was clean from everything but alcohol, but I was still smoking and most importantly, using cocaine. My friends even thought I was done with cocaine. Somehow no one noticed how I was constantly going to the bathroom more than frequently. Bathrooms became my sanctuary for coke snorting, which was actually unsanitary, but they were the most secure place for me not to get caught. It wasn't like I was out of control. I knew my limits and from my successfulness of not getting caught, I never got too high to act outside of my normal self. The cocaine was just like a medicine for me. It kept me calm and anxiety free. It was like a stress reliever and even a sleeping pill when I couldn't get any sleep.

Anyways, other than the frequent drug use, the last few weeks had been enjoyable. Working with Olive Pendleton was so out of the window, and my way of getting money was babysitting Ivo when both Gloria and Maxim were busy. Speaking of Gloria, she and I actually got along together extremely well. Nothing was too awkward between us and we've been out together on our lonesome to grab coffees. Maxim wasn't too fond of her ex and her current girlfriend being so close, but I assured her that she didn't have anything to worry about. Gloria didn't gossip about Maxim or say anything bad about her, and in return I didn't ask personal questions about Maxim to her. If I wanted to know something about Maxim then I got it from the supreme source, herself. She was open and so was I, which I believe made our relationship even stronger.

The distance between us also made our relationship durable. We may have lived in the same borough, but Maxim was always in the gym. If she wasn't in the gym, then she was at some event or interview that I wasn't allowed to tag along to. I didn't mind not being able to go to the events because most of the time they were boring, and so were the interviews. They were much better to watch on the TV. While Maxim was being the biggest UFC fighter in the world, I was spending time with my friends, Gloria, and Ivo. I even decided to spend a bit more time with my mother, which was entertaining but also torture at the same time. No matter how much I told her that I didn't care about what the real housewives were up to, she kept me informed. She watched and recorded every season religiously and her obsession was seriously embarrassing.

Anyways, tonight, Maxim was staying late in the gym while Gloria was spending a night out with her friends. This led Ivo and I to be alone in Maxim's huge penthouse. Miguel, Maxim's friend, and roommate was chasing after girls so Ivo and I had the place to ourselves. We sat in the living room and watched Pixar movies as we ate loads of ice cream. Both of his parents would kill me if they knew how much sugar I was putting the little boy's body, but hey, he was a kid! When I was a child, I had a sweet tooth just like him and I turned out great—minus the drug usage. "This movie sucks. It's so old," Ivo grumbled as he stared at the huge screened television. I scoffed and looked towards the child, who was now munching on a cookie.

"Toy Story is a classic! You've been spoiled with the graphics of today's time, kid! This was a real hit when I was younger and it still is a hit," I argued with offense as I stared at him. The kid just shrugged his shoulders and yawned. I didn't care if he was bored! He was going to watch the damn movie and he was going to enjoy it! Who the hell didn't like Toy Story!? I thought it was funny and cute as f-ck. "Are you yawning because you're tired or are you yawning because the movie is boring," I asked him once I calmed down a little. Why the hell did I get so hell-bent over a damn cartoon? Oh yeah, I needed my nighttime medicine.

"I'd rather watch Tangled!  She's hot!" I rolled my eyes at the kid before looking down at my phone which was vibrating. Picking up the phone from my lap, I saw a text flash across the scream. It was Maxim reminding me that it was way past Ivo's bedtime. She wanted me to stop feeding him sh-t that would make him fat, give him a bath and put him to bed. Damn, how did she even know that I hadn't put him to bed yet? It must've been some superhero parent power or something. I looked down at Ivo and he looked at me expectantly. "So, we can watch Tangled," he asked excitedly.

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