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I just want to give a warning. Jangan buat macam Amina buat. Don't ever try to kill yourself. This is just a story. Don't you think that Amina can survive, you can survive too. NO!! The percentage to survive is 'VERY VERY LOW' if you take excessive sedatives. You can die immediately.

To people who are struggling with depression, I just nak pesan satu je. Keep fighting. Don't give up quickly. Don't give up on your life. You still have a long way to go. You deserve happiness. Your life is not useless. And don't ever take your own life.

If you have a problem just jumpa counsellor. Or share your problems with people you trust. Don't hide, okey?

Tak salah kalau korang lari dari masalah kalau masalah tu terlalu berat untuk di pikul. Tak semua masalah harus diselesaikan. Tak salah kalau korang nak lari dari environment yang toxic. Kalau tu satu-satunya pilihan yang ada. Tak semua benda kita harus bertahan. Kadang-kadang kita juga harus mengalah dengan keadaan.

And to people who're never depressed, please don't take it easy about mental health and don't judge people who have mental problems. Everyone has their own problems. Like me. I was almost depressed when I was eleven. I was so young at that time. Really really young. I once had a panic attack until the oxygen dropped. Badan I pernah menggigil for no reason. Pernah berdebar ketakutan melampau for something yang tak berlaku lagi. Badan berpeluh ketakutan. It's hurt me a lot when my trauma comes from someone I call 'SAHABAT'.

Sometimes, the person who stabbed you is not your enemy but the person who knows your weakness.

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