Chapter 15: He did what?!

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Gwen POV:

Oh shit. Oh shit. I'm so late for class. As I'm walking to my bio class, I run into Miles. "Gwen what are you doing here?" He asks. Oh shit. "I.... was sick?" I replied. Worry flashes across his eyes, yet he doesn't say anything. "Can you make it to class?" He asks. I nod in response. We make it to class, where we have Mr. Smith. "Oh, Morales, there you are... you had a long time in the toilet didn't you- Ms. Stacy! Nice of you to join us now! You are very late!" I feel myself sweating. How do I get out of this? "Gwen was sick during recess, and she's feeling better now. I can vouch for her." I look up in shock to hear those words from Miles's mouth. He.... defended me? "And I was checking up on her just now, not going to the bathroom." HE WHAT??? Why is he helping me? He knows he'll be in trouble now, while I'll get out of this scott-free. "I-" I try to jump in, but Mr. Smith says "Ok Ms. Stacy, You can go. I understand sickness is unavoidable at times. Next time though, try telling Mr. Morales here to tell us instead of handling it himself. And you, Morales, although I admire your effort, you have lunch detention with me for skipping class. I respect your care for others, but lying to a teacher and missing class is against the rules. Understood?" Miles just nods, expression unchanging. I try to speak up and tell the teacher Miles is innocent, but the words are stuck down my throat. I'm still in shock from Miles's words. "You two may go sit down."

We both sat down, and I really wanted to go talk to him, but I think Miles assumed I wasn't going to be there, as he sat at the back of the room again, like his first day..... Where no one else could join him. I sit across the room, and take out my notebook. I just spent the rest of class loosely taking notes, unable to take good notes as my eyes kept subconsciously going to Miles, with my guilt running through my mind. As class ends, I can't even talk to him. We had our elective classes, and we picked different ones. He had art, I had finance. Cindy had finance with me, and we had a project together; but to be honest she might as well have done all the work in that class. Every few words I typed I lost focus, with the boy from Brooklyn swimming in my mind again and again (In case anyone lives under a rock, Miles is from Brooklyn) (Also to clarify I mentioned Gwen was from Queens(Chapter 3), where they go to school together rn).

Lunch approaches, and after the very long lesson, Cindy walks out with me, and says "Something on your mind?" I look at her in shock

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Lunch approaches, and after the very long lesson, Cindy walks out with me, and says "Something on your mind?" I look at her in shock. As quiet as she is, she's such a good and caring friend. She notices so much. "You've spent most of class being quiet and being unproductive. I know something is up. Are you good?" I nod at her, struggling to answer. She gives me a reassuring smile as she says "I guess you don't wanna talk about it.... But you know where I'll be if you need me." I nod again. As she starts walking away, she looks behind her shoulder and says "One last thing... you finish the rest of the project." I give her the good 'ol thumbs up, a small smile forming on my face. I wanted to find Miles, but he's away in detention.... Maybe I'll just go back to Betty and the others.

-Time skip

I left my stuff at the dorm, and joined the others under the staircase close to the canteen

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I left my stuff at the dorm, and joined the others under the staircase close to the canteen. Where we've always been.... "What a surprise! Ms. Stacy is back!" MJ says. "I mean we hang after school, and have bands, but to see you at lunch is a pleasure that we haven't had for a while." "Always the dramatics, MJ" I reply, crossing my legs and sitting down, giving my friends a small smile. Cindy gives me a look, but doesn't bring up the previous events.

-Time skip

Lunch goes by quickly. It's always fun when it's us 4. It's been like this for years, they're the friends I can always rely on to have fun with. But despite enjoying myself, my friends keep catching me spacing out.... Thinking about Miles, and the guilt I hold.... But they don't need to know that. After lunch, I got back to my dorm to grab my stuff. A look at the timetable..... Monday week B is the worst. I only have Miles for 1 class, and that was Bio earlier. I have..... English... stupid poems.... And foreign languages.... Ugh.... Spanish (No diss to Spanish people or their language, I love them, this is for the story).

 Spanish (No diss to Spanish people or their language, I love them, this is for the story)

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-Time skip

Thank god school ended. I can't be bothered today. I head back to my dorm to do my homework.... (After homework)..... I don't even know how I finished my work with Miles being stuck in my mind. It's almost like he got stapled into my brain. I walk out, and it's around 7:30. I have band later with the others, but I gotta go eat right now. I walk into the canteen, and order my food. I walk towards my friends, but out of the corner of my eye.... I notice Miles. I completely changed direction towards him. He's with his friends Ganke and... I forgot that guy's name. I tap him on the shoulder "Miles....?"

And here's chapter 15! Idk if the quality is the best, apologies if it's not, I've got a cold recently and it's not fun. I'll ty my best tho. For anyone that wants more spider-action soon, it'll come. Very soon. Trust me. 

So..... Why did Miles help Gwen? how does Miles feel? How will Gwen approach Miles? See next chapter!

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