Team Meetup

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The next day

Ratchet and Optimus were in the main area. While Arcee and Bee were walking down the hall. Suddenly all four of them heard a loud crash come from the training room. So they ran to see what happened. When they got there, they saw Bulkhead on the ground and Fire Flare standing there looking disappointed. The four of them looked confused.

Fire Flare :"Bulkhead, You're supposed to be fighting me. That means not going easy on me. I shouldn't be able to flip you."

Bulkhead :"What did you get a hold of synthetic energon like Ratchet did?"

Fire Flare :"No, I will never use that stuff on-"

Miko :"See I told you two, they're back here."

Jack :"Okay, geez."

Raf :"Uh... Guys, who is she?" He points to Fire Flare.

Miko :'Gasp' "Oh my gosh you guys have another girl on your team. That is so awesome!"

Optimus :"Jake, Miko, Rafael I would like you to m-"

Fire Flare :"Optimus, Let me introduce myself."

Optimus :"All right."

Fire Flare :"Hello kiddos, My name is Fire Flare. It's nice to meet more humans."

Miko :"Hey Arcee, Are you glad that you are not the only girl? And geez Fire Flare you look so cool but why are you bigger then Arcee?"

Fire Flare:"Well just like Ratchet I'm a medic and also I work in the tech department. Speaking of which I need to get working on everybot's holoform right now." Fire Flare got weird looks from the humans.

Jack :"Holo-what form?"

Raf :"She said holoform and what is it?"

Fire Flare activates her holoform like yesterday, she transforms into her alt form. Open the door and get out. "So to answer your question this is a holof-"

Miko :"OH MY GOSH!" She ran over to Fire Flare. "That is so cool! Oh, Wait, Do you have a name for it, or do you keep the name you have? Do you think I can take you shopping to try on some outfits? Or-"

Fire Flare :"Uh..."

Ironhide :"Fire Flare to Ironhide you there Fire Flare? We got some news."

Fire Flare :"Yes, I'm here. What's the news?"

Ironhide :"Tell Big Bot we got a good supply of energon for them."

Fire Flare :"Ironhide?"

Ironhide :"Yes?"

Fire Flare :"Two things, one how did you get a good supply of energon? And two, why didn't you call Optimus Prime on the comm-link instead of me?"

Ironhide :"Um... So Sparkplug and Spike find it by accident."

Fire Flare :"Ironhide, what do you mean by accident?"

Ironhide :"I'll tell you when you open the ground bridge."

Fire Flare :"Alright, Ironhide give me a moment please." She deactivated her bipedal holoform. Then her alt form transforms into her bot form. Fire walked out of the training to the control room. She put the coordinates into the computer and a ground bridge opened up.

Ironhide, Jazz, and two humans walk through the ground bridge. "Hello everyone, how are you guys?"

Spike :"FIRE FLARE!"

Fire Flare :"SPIKE!"

Sparkplug :"What am I chopped liver?"

Fire Flare :"Hello to you too Sparkplug. But now what about an accident, Ironhide and Jazz?"

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