Remembering the Past

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Fire Flare was feeding Orion while helping Optimus decode the Icon database. Behind them Miko is trying to get Bulkhead to walk ten steps.

Ratchet :"I hope decoding the Icon database is going more smoothly than Bulkhead's recovery."

Fire Flare :"Well I add boost to help but it is still human tech so it is slow."

Optimus :"Slow but steady old friend."

Ratchet :"Ah, Human technology, but with both your expertise in the field should provide any edge we need to beat the decepticons at this game."

Optimus :"I fear their access to cybertronian technology may provide them with equal advantage."

A crash came from Bulkhead and Ratchet looked behind. "Not good enough, you have to come back stronger than before."

Ratchet :"Time for a break Bulkhead."

Miko :"A break, you think the cons are gonna give Bulkhead a break in the middle of a firefight?"

Fire Flare :"Mik-"

Ratchet :"If you push a patient too far too fast you risk exacerbating their injuries."

Miko :"But"

Ratchet :"Bulkhead needs to rest."

Miko got angry about this and started to walk somewhere as Bee came in and transformed in front of her. "Out of the way!"

Fire Flare :'Sigh' "Arcee can I talk to you please."

Arcee :"Yeah Fire Flare."

After talking with Fire Flare, Arcee find Miko up top of the base crying a little. "Miko?"

Miko :"Oh uh hey Arcee, I was just.."

Arcee :"Aren't we a little close to the edge?"

Miko :"Heights don't scare me."

Arcee :"Bulkhead's coming along just fine thanks mostly to your efforts but he needs a friend right now, not a drill sergeant."

Miko :"No offense but I came up here for some privacy."

Arcee :"I understand, What you're going through. If you ever want someone to talk to-"

Miko :"I'm fine okay, I'm not the one that Hardshell tried to scrap."

Arcee :"Miko, it's rough, when someone you care about gets hurt. Closing yourself off from feeling... won't help anyone."

Miko :"Well, you would know wouldn't you?"

Arcee :"Yes... I would."

Miko :"Arcee, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that."

Arcee :"It's okay, He... been on my mind lately after I lost my first partner Tailgate, I pushed everyone away. Until Cliffjumper came along."

Miko :"What was he like?"

Arcee :"Cliff was... quite the conversationalist"


Cliffjumper got tossed into the same cell that Arcee was in. "Cliffjumper, are you..."

Cliffjumper :"I can't... I can't believe you actually care."

Arcee :"The only thing I care about is whether you talked just now."

Cliffjumper :"You always this nice to your rescuers?"

Arcee :"Didn't answer my question."

Cliffjumper :"I got bored with Starscream's little workout, so I idled my engines and fake shutdown. Scream bought it."

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