New Recruit

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It's been days since Fire Flare and the others find Lady Phoenix and not a weapon of mass destruction. During those days Fire Flare and Lady Phoenix talk about Orion powers and how he can see who are sparkmates like his grandmother. Also Faye, Sam, Mikaela, and Spike come over to team prime base to know more about the autobots and the human friends of them. Nova decided to become Sam's full time guardian and car. Agent Fowler and Colonel Lennox have a meeting with the pentagon and make the organization N.E.S.T in Los Angeles with Ironhide and a few other autobots help. At the team's prime base Jack and Bee watch Raf change pictures of Bee that was taking. Miko helps Bulkhead with his recovery as Ratchet works on something on the monitors. Fire Flare, Spike, Faye, and Spike's girlfriend Carly were chatting. Soon everyone stopped with what they were doing when Jack looked at something on Raf's computer monitor.

Jack :"Wait, What's that?" Raf zoomed in closer on the picture.

Raf :"A cybertronian escape pod?"

Ratchet :"Here in earth's atmosphere?"

Fire Flare :"Why did we not hear from the Ark ab-" A call came in from the Ark.

Prowl :"Ratchet, Teletraan one put up a cybertronian escape pod."

Ratchet :"I'm already pinpoint the location of the pod landed."

Fire Flare :"Prowl let Ironhide know team prime will handle it but we will call for backup if needed."

Prowl :"Alright Fire Flare be careful guys." The call ended as Raf put the picture on the autobot monitor.

Arcee :"Autobot or decepticon?"

Ratchet :"Impossible to tell given the image resolution."

Optimus :"In any event this merits investigation."

Arcee :"Could be a trap and Bulkhead still has not fully recovered."

Fire Flare :"Arcee if you think it is a trap maybe we can call Wh-"

Ratchet:"I don't care if Bulkhead isn't combat ready after that revenge stunt he pulled with Miko, Wheeljack can stay rogue."

Fire Flare :"Ratchet! I know he made a mistake but you can't ju-"

Optimus :"Fire Flare an autobot may be in distress, you can talk to him about this later. Ratchet, bring your medical kit."

Raf ready the ground bridge and the autobots left through it. Coming out of the ground bridge at the pod location. Arcee, Bee, and Fire Flare ready their blasters for decepticons. All five walk up to the pod, Arcee wipe dirt off it and see the decepticon insignia.

Optimus :"It is of decepticon origin."

Arcee :"And the con inside blew his way out."

Fire Flare :"Well if we find the dece-" She was interrupted by decepticon blasters firing at them. "Get to cover guys."

Arcee :"All those cons came out of one pod."

Ratchet :"Humans refer to the phenomenon as a clown car."

Fire Flare :"Oh my primus, Ratchet does know human jokes."

Ratchet was about to say something to Fire Flare but an insecticon pinned him to a boulder. Arcee stops the insecticon from hurting Ratchet then Bee and her offline the insecticon. As blasters fire from both sides, Arcee and Bee had blaster fire behind them. They turned around and saw a bot run at them so they pointed their blaster at them.

Arcee :"Incoming!"

Smokescreen :"Down in front!"

When Fire Flare heard that voice she saw Smokescreen knockout a vehicon and fire his blaster recklessness at the vehicons. {Smokescreen! But how?}

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