The Missing T-Cog

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Hours later

Ironhide :"Alright everybot, you guys have your assignments and your berth-" A comm-link went off.

Ratchet :"Ark to Ratchet comes in anybot."

Fire Flare :"This is Fire Flare, Ratchet what going on?"

Ratchet :"Bumblebee's t-cog got stolen and w-"

Everybot in the room :"WHAT?!"

Ratchet :"Hello Everybot but Fire Flare we need you and your mini-bots back over here to help us with missions."

Fire Flare :"I'll come back now, Everybot has they're assignments an-"

Stinget :"Miss Flare can I come with you? I went to see my brother, please."

Fire Flare :"Ratchet, I'll get my mini-bots so send me a portal."

Ratchet :"On it." The comm-link call ended.

Fire Flare :*You can come with me and my mini-bot, okay Stinget.*

Stinget :"Yes Ma'am."

Fire Flare :"Shiroi, Ravage and Chromedome come here, please."

Shiroi, Ravage and Chromedome :"Come in."

A ground bridge opens in front of Fire Flare, Stinget, and Fire's Mini-bots, they walk through the portal to team prime base. Once through all five see everyone talk about the Bumblebee's t-cog and what a t-cog is.

Fire Flare :"Hello guys I'm back and here to help. Also I hope you guys don't get mad but I brought someone to see Bee."

Stinget :"BEEBEE!" She runs over to Bumblebee and hugs him.

Bumblebee :"BEEPS! Beeps beeps?" <STINGET! You're here?>

Raf :"Stinget?"

Miko and Jack :"Who?" All three kids looked at each other then at Stinget.

Arcee :"Fire Flare, do you think it was wise to bring her here?"

Fire Flare walks over to Arcee. *She want to see him and ma-*

Miko :"Is she a mini-bot too?"

Stinget :'Giggles' "I'm not a mini-bot, I'm Beebee little sis." As she trips, walking over to Bee.

Bumblebee :"Beeps! Beeps beeps beeps?" <Stinget! Are you okay?>

Stinget :"Yes I'm okay, Beebee. I've been in stasis for awhile but I'm good."

Bumblebee :"Beeps, Beeps beeps beeps beeps beeps? Beeps beeps beeps beeps beeps beeps be-" <Fire Flare, Why did you not tell me? And Why is she with you guys on the Ar->

Fire Flare :"BUMBLEBEE! Slow down the talking there, please."

Bumblebee :"Beeps, beeps beeps." <Sorry, Fire Flare.>

Fire Flare :"You're fine Bee but... 'Sigh' But back on Cybertron your and Stinget's carrier and sire had to help the front line."

Back in the past

Honeygold :"FIRE FLARE!" She runs to Fire Flare

Fire Flare :"Honeygold, What wrong?"

Honeygold :"Fire Flare, I need you to take Stinget to Icon with you, to keep her safe from the war. Me and Zip have to go to the front line, please Fire Flare."

Fire Flare takes a sleeping Stinget from Honeygold. "I'll keep her safe, Honeygold. And I'll find Bumblebee."


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