Reunion of A Mother and A Daughter

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Spike :"Guys."

Fire Flare :"You four okay?"

Keller :"Dear God, What is this?" As everyone walked up to the Cybertronian.

Tom Banachek :"We think when he made his approach over the north pole, our gravitational field screwed up his telemetry." As Fire Flare looked at Cybertronian and she was shocked on who it was. "He crashed in the ice, probably a few thousand years ago. We shipped him here to this facility in 1934."

Simmons :"We call him NBE One."

Fire Flare :"You're wrong, he is she and her name is Lady Phoenix."

Simmons :"And how would you know that?"

Fire Flare :"I-" Suddenly a loud bang was heard then the room started shaking. *Scrap, we all need to get out of here.*

Banachek :"What's going on?"

Random Technician Guy :"Well, the NBE One hanger has lost power..."

Banachek :"What?"

Random Technician Guy :"... and the backup generator is just not gonna cut it."

Lennox :"Do you have an arms room?"

Banachek :"All of us are going to the NBE One chamber now."

Everyone in the group starts running to the arms room but Agent Fowler stops as his phone rings. "Agent Fowler here."

Optimus :"Agent Fowler is Fire Flare and Orion with you."

Agent Fowler :"Yes Prime, plus the Witwicky cousins and their friend and the cons find us and the bot."

Optimus :"We are almost to your location Agent Fowler."

Agent Fowler :"Ill tell Fire Flare." He ends the call with Optimus.

Fire Flare :"Agent Fowler was that Optimus?"

Agent Fowler :"Yes."

Banachek :"Hey, you two need to go to the arms room now."

Fire Flare and Agent Fowler nod to each other and follow Banachek to the arms room. When they got to the arms room, they heard Sam tell Simmons to take him to his car. Fire flare hearing this walked over to them. "Wait, you guys have Nova here?"

Simmons :"Who?"

Sam :"My car."

Simmons :"Okay Miss, how did you know the robot?"

Fire Flare :"Okay that's it, I'm done with this human man." She deactivated her and Orion holoforms. Everyone except Spike and Agent Fowler looked at them with scared or shocked faces.

Glen :"Oh my god they're aliens too!" As the 7S people pointed guns at Fire Flare and Orion, but Lennox and his men pointed guns at 7S people.

Lennox :"Drop it."

Fire Flare :"Well the technical term is Cybertronians."

Agent Fowler :"Simmons tells your men to pull their guns down and not to hurt her or her child."

Simmons :"And how do we know she and that baby looking thing are not going to kill us?"

Lennox :"That thing is this baby, it doesn't look like it can kill someone."

Fire Flare :"I won't and my little sparkling Orion doesn't have weapons on him. He's just a baby right now."

Orion :'Giggles'

Simmons :"Men put your guns down now."

Fire Flare :"Good now release Nova and Lady Phoenix." Then everyone watches as two of her longer feathers turn into a scythe.

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