The Prime Is Back

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Jack and Arcee continued following the direction the keycard glows in. "We must be close, but I do wonder how Fire Flare is doing."

Arcee :"She is one strong bot and by now she is properly making her way back to the space bridge entrance back to earth."

As they got closer the ground started to shake and move that revealed a hidden door to Vector sigma. "Vector sigma's down here?"

Arcee :"Kaon didn't always belong to the deceptions, Megatron took it as a capital. Apparently without ever realizing what lay beneath their feet." Suddenly debris fell in front of the entrance, so Arcee looked up to see insecticon jump at them. She grads Jack and jumps away from the insecticon. She started shooting the insecticon but it attacked.

Jack :"ARCEE!" The insecticon tried to attack Jack but Arcee started to shoot at it again.

On Earth

Jack :"We're being attacked by some kind of giant bot beetle?"

Ratchet :"An insecticon."

At the Autobots Base

June :"A WHAT!?"

Ra f:"What are deceptions doing on Cybertron?"

Ratchet :"A few Remained in stasis sentries should the enemy return."

Back on Cybertron

Fire Flare heard some of the things said on the comm-link as she came out of the hole to the center of Cybertron. {Looks like Arcee and Jack need my help at Vector sigma's, but where?}

Ratchet :"Fire Flare do you copy?"

Fire Flare :"I'm here Ratchet, where is Jack and Arcee located?"

Ratchet :"Kaon."

Fire Flare :"Deception's capital huh, okay I guess it's time to fly?"

Ratchet :"TIME TO FLY!? WHAT!?"

Fire Flare :"Later Ratchet." As she spread her wings and jumped up for a boost to fly.

With Jack and Arcee

Arcee :"JACK GO!"

Jack :"Seriously."

June :"Without Arcee, she's his guide."

Ratchet :"No Nurse Darby, Arcee is Jack's back up, the keycard is his guide."

Fire Flare :"Jack listen to Arcee and go now, I'll be there soon."

June :"Listen to them Jack, you've made it this far, Optimus is counting on you."

Jack :"Roger, that mom."

On the Deceptions Warship

Megatron :"Orion, have you made progress with project Icon?"

Orion(Optimus) :"It seems I am a bit than I thought."

Megatron :"Might that have anything to do with the nature of your After Hours research? Did I fail to mention that we will be tracking your activities." As he pressed a button on the control panel.

Orion(Optimus) :"Why does history portray me siding with the Autobots aggressors and why did Starscream call me a Prime? I must know, who am I?"

Megatron :"You are my clerk, now get back to work and decode that database."

Orion(Optimus) :"No, I would rather erase my findings than make them available for your questionable use." Then he pressed a button on the control panel to erase the data. Orion starts walking away but Megatron starts to laugh behind him. He looks back to see Megatron press another button that restores the data.

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