Four for Four Part Four

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Fire Flare was listening to Optimus tell the team that Miko and Jack are going with Arcee and Bee to the Big Apple. She is now laying on the medical berth with servo on her tank. She hopes to the all spark, that the sparkling does come when their sire is on a mission.

Bulkhead :"That was some trick, Miko."

Miko :"Mean swiping intel from right under Megatron's nose, just doing my part for Team Prime." Fire Flare soon feels worried by Miko because of the tone of her voice. "Oh, Gotta go Bulk, I'll tell you all about it when we get back. Wait up!" Miko quickly hopped in Bee.

Raf and Bulkhead :"Take care of them, Bee/Miko." They left through the ground bridge.

Optimus told Bulkhead to prepare the ground bridge open and out walks Ironhide ready for the mission.

Ironhide :"Hello guys I am ready for the mission Optimus."

Optimus:"Ironhide, Bulkhead prepare for departure."

Ratchet :"You two are headed for the equator."

Bulkhead :"I'll prepare for tropical weather, wrecker style."

Ironhide :"Huh, Well I'm glad I didn't pack light."

Optimus :"Rafael and Agent Fowler will be yours communications and transportation hub."

Agent Fowler :"I can has cheezburger!" As they look at him.

Ironhide and Bulkhead :"Communications? Huh."

Optimus :"Be on your guard Ironhide and Bulkhead."

Ironhide and Bulkhead walk out of the bridge to the worst smells.

Ironhide :"Holy Mech!"

Bulkhead :"Oh, Smells worse than a decepticon barracks, fine place to hide a relic."

Ironhide :"Let's find the relic before our enstrils fall off."

Bulkhead :"Base, we can't find any side of the relic can you reconfirm coordinates."

Raf :"Triangulating your position guys, you're at the correct location." On the other side, communications Agent Fowler finally woke up.

Bulkhead :"And the coordinates are wrong because there's nothing here."

Ironhide :"Hey Bulk you hear that?" It sounds like blades spinning.

Bulkhead :"But something's coming."

Both Ironhide and Bulkhead become shooting an insecticon that was coming their way. The insecticon grabbed Bulk, started dragging him on the ground. As Ironhide was behind them, the insecticon let go of Bulk and which him rolled on the ground. Ironhide quickly blasted the insecticon to get to Bulkhead.

Ironhide :"An insecticon."

Bulkhead :"Leave it to Megatron to send a bug to do his dirty work."

Hardshell :"You know a thing or two about dirty work yourself wrecker?"

Bulkhead :"Do I know you?"

Hardshell :"I know your kind as I have crushed more than a few wreckers in my time."

Bulkhead :"Now you see the thing about bugs your size they make a bigger mess when I smash them!" Bulkhead ram his wrecking balls servos into Hardshell as Ironhide runs behind the insecticon shooting his blaster at him. Hardshell turns around to hit Ironhide but quickly K.O. by Bulk. Bulk then looked in a direction, transformed, and drove that way, with Ironhide soon following behind him.

At the base

Raf :"Ratchet the virus is coated commencing upload."

Agent Fowler :"So why did you want this three he-"

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