Meeting The Cousins of Spike Witwicky

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Sparkplug :"At both the speed and back roads we are going we should be at my brother's house in less than three hours."

Nova :"Sweet then I can meet my charge."

Ratchet :"Yeah as a car, Nova not an Autobot."

Hours later

Optimus with Spike and Sparkplug in his alt mode pull up to the house as Ron, Sam, and Judith come out. Nova was strapped down in the back as the other Autobots hid around the area. Optimus quickly turns on his holoform in the driver seat and pretends to turn off his alt mode then he, Spike, and Sparkplug hop out of the alt mode.

Ron :"Hey Sparkplug, Spike, and umm... who this?"

Sparkplug :"Oh this is-"

Optimus :"Orion Parks and you guys are Spike and Sparkplug's family."

Sam :"Cool truck man."

Optimus :"Thank you."

Judith :"You're quite the handsome man."

Ron :"Judith!"

Sam :"Mom!"

Spike :"Auntie, that was w-"

Ratchet :"Orion, I take off the straps on the car."

Ron :"Sparkplug is this other friend of your?"

Sparkplug :"Yes, he is Orion's brother-in-law."

Ratchet :"Hello I'm Ray Griffin."

Spike :"Hey someone just pull up."

Ron :"Oh that Auntie Diana and the others."

Sam :"Umm... does she know ab-"

Diana :"SAMUEL JAMES WITWICKKY!" As she walks over to him.

Sam :"Hey Auntie"

Diana :"Don't auntie me mr."

Faye White :"Mom stop, I think he is sorry about great-great grandfather stuff."

Diana :"Alright baby girl, I'll stop but Sam you are not off the hook for the Ebay thing."

Ron and Sparkplug :"Hey Jasper."

Jasper :"Hey guys, so where is the car that is going to Sam."

Optimus :"Ray, am I clear to move the car now?"

Ratchet :"You're good to go, Orion!"

Jasper :"Ron and Sparkplug are they friends of you guys?"

Sparkplug :"Yeah, they're friends of mine and they're brother-in-laws."

Jasper :"Brother-in-laws so who marries in whose family?"

Sparkplug :"Orion married Ray's sister Evelyn and they have a son named Orion.Jr."

As Sparkplug chatted with Ron and Jasper, all three Witwicky cousins also chatted and caught up with each other. Optimus pretends to drive Nova off the truck bed with Ratchet's help and parked Nova in the driveway. Optimus told everyone Ratchet and him were done and that they were leaving now. Everyone waved goodbye to them as they got in their alt modes. Then the Witwicky family members all went inside the house.

The next day at the ark

Prowl :"Wait, How did the kid miss up already?"

Ironhide :"He didn't really mess up Spike's cousins who are light sleeper and they heard him leave the driveway."

Prow l:"Humans can b-" He stopped talking as Teletraan-1 went off.

Ironhide :"Prowl what's happening?"

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