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"how come it's a big secret?" Seungmin asked.

"I told you before, I'm a bad person." Haneul was being casual so Seungmin didn't think much about it.

A moment of silence was shared between the two.

They laid their back against the cold ground beside each other.

"It was a nice concert, You have a beautiful voice." Haneul complimented.

"Are you my fan now?" Seungmin asked.

"Hmm i guess you can say that." She smiled.

They became silent once again,

"So how was the past three days?" She  asked. "Did you have fun?"

"I did, more than i anticipated." He replied.

"I'm not talking about the concert." She said,

"I'm not talking about the concert either." He answered.

She was taken aback by his answer. Her lips curved into a smile. He was bold all of a sudden. She did not expect it at all.

"I'm glad... The past three days have been fun Mr. Kim Seungmin, i hope my disturbance gave you a break from all the hassle." She said.

"I did, thank you." Seungmin said quietly.

"Let's make the last day memorable eh?" She asked.

"Last?" Seungmin sat up and looked at the girl beside him.

"Yeah." She nodded her head and sat up.

Seungmin did not know what to say not how to even react.

"Do you want to do anything?" She asked.

"Why the last?" He asked ignoring her question.

"What do you mean?" Haneul tilted her head to the side while staring at him.

"Why does this have to be the last?" He asked once more.

"I don't know, all good things come to an end i guess." She shrugged. He seemed upset. He lowered his head down and swallowed a lump on his throat.

He can't seem to understand what her reason could be.

"You can't be caught with me." She explained shortly. Knowing that there's a question about it lingering in his head.

"I can't even be caught with anybody." She whispered, Seungmin didn't hear what she muttered into thin air.

He couldn't say anything. In the end, when the sun was starting to rise, she bid goodbye and left him there.

There he was, all alone with no idea about Haneul's whereabouts. He stayed seated on the ground till the sun was fully up.

He went back to his hotel room and checked his phone, the number was out of reach. Now he just seemed crazy. Its like Haneul never existed, she just vanished. Just like that is she really gone? Was this really the last day?

Come to think of it, he had nothing else besides her number that was now out of reach.

He laid down on his bed and thought about the past few days. A smile unknowingly made it's way to his lips as he remember how Haneul did indeed make his days better. Even if it was just simple interactions. He did feltt like he took a break from reality. He felt light and less stressed out. He was thankful for Haneul.

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