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Weeks passed by and there was no progress. It seems like Haneul will never forgive him for what he did. She still doesn't want to see him. A sigh escaped past his lips as he opened the door of his penthouse.

To his surprise, Minho was there sitting comfortably on his couch.

"Oh hey, come have a seat!" He raised his hand and beckoned for him to come.

"How did you even get in?" He was visibly confused.

"Meh, real easy honestly." He shrugged.

"Runs in the blood?" Seungmin joked,

"Oh shut it." Minho rolled his eyes and laughed. "How's she?" He asked.

Seungmin pressed his lips onto a thin line and looked down to his feet. Minho understood the situation immediately.

"Well what did i expect? She holds grudges, she's been mad at us for years." He said,

"She hates me doesn't she?" Seungmin muttered.

"Most probably, yeah" Minho casually said. "I guess we're both traitors." He added.

Just then Seungmin's phone rang, it was the number of the ward Haneul was in. Was it another update about Haneul? Was she doing better? Does she finally want to see them?

He was hopeful, his hands were shaking from excitement. He put the phone on speaker so Minho could hear what they have to say.

"Hello?" He started.

"Good afternoon, we are alerting you about Lee Haneul's escape from the ward. We have already contacted the police. We will update you for further notice."

This was nowhere near the good news Seungmin was hoping for. It was the complete opposite. A total nightmare, the last thing he would want to hear.

Color drained from Seungmin's face. His mouth hangs open. Minho's breathing hitched.

Why did he not expect this? She had done this before. ofcourse it's possible for her to do it again.

Minho buried himself in his hands. "Where will you run off to now Haneul? Just come back to us." He whispered desperately. "Is this another round of your little hide and seek?" He let out a whine.

"Where could she possibly go?" Seungmin could barely speak. In his mind, he was panicking. He didn't know what to do.

The two stood up in an instant and got into Seungmin's car. They will look for her. They had no clear destination in mind but they would go wherever the car would take them. They have to find her, She couldn't have gone too far.

Seungmin couldn't lose her. He would not be able to take it.

Minho has already lost her once, he will definitely find her this time.

Hours of searching felt suffocating. They were tired but showed no signs of stopping.

Seungmin banged the car horn out of frustration and let out a shout. He cried and rubbed his temple. It's already dark outside and there were no signs of Haneul anywhere.

He tried to think where she could be but his mind was foggy. He could not think straight.

Minho watched Seungmin broke down right beside him. He knew it must be hard on him. To be honest he also have no idea where his sister could possibly go. She is unpredictable, she can do anything. She's independent.

He patted Seungmin's shoulder and soothe his back trying his best to calm him down.

"Calm down man, we'll find her don't worry." He reassured.

"I should've trusted her, i should've ran away with her. I don't belive a single thing about her being crazy. If she harmed me, so what?! I don't care i should've not listen to anyone." He screamed out. Regrets flushed his system. He badly wanted to turn back time. If he could he would definitely not turn her in.

"Hey take a breath, calm down." Minho shook his shoulders. "Go back home and rest. We'll continue searching tomorrow." He added. Seungmin nodded and rested his head on the car seat.

❝BREAK FREE❞ // K. SeungminWhere stories live. Discover now