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"let's continue, shall we?" She gave Seungmin a warm smile and placed her hand above his. "I don't know how Haneul is doing, my  granddaughter is all grown up and even has someone as her lover." She said sweetly. Seungmin smiled back at her and glanced at Minho who stared at them blankly.

"Haneul is very vocal about her thoughts and ideas. But she tries to push her beliefs on people. She keeps on insisting that her ideas are for the better. She kept on ranting about how cruel everyone was and how stupid some people are. We thought she would grow out of it. But there was one time that she got violent, it only happened once, but we were afraid." Ha-rin took a deep breath before continuing,

Minho was awfully silent at this point. He was tapping his foot against the wooden floor.

"Her mother was concerned for Haneul's well being. My granddaughter was sent to a therapist, we wanted her to get all the help she could have." Seungmin was starting to understand the whole story. "We went as far as sending her to a mental hospital, then to a psychiatric ward. Her mother signed a letter that she would be placed under hospital care till she recovers. It pained us to see her go. I can still remember the look on her face. She was in disbelief, she felt betrayed."

The image of Haneul flashed in Seungmin's mind, she looked at him with the very same expression when the police pulled her into the car.

Guilt started to eat Seungmin up.

"She was screaming that she was not crazy. She didn't need help. Her mother can't stand the sight of it, she then couldn't help but cry." Ha-rin continued. "Now we are not aware of Haneul's whereabouts. We were informed about her escape. We didn't leave this cabin... because we are hoping that she will still come back to us..." She finished the story and smiled bitterly.

Then a question entered Seungmin's mind. Did he do the right thing by telling the police about Haneul?

"So where is Haneul, son? How is she doing?" She asked warmly,

"She's in the hospital..." He admitted.

"You sold her out didn't you?" Minho cocked a brow up and smirked. By the look on Seungmin's face, Minho was immediately able to tell.

"No! I only wanted to help her, I want her to recover." He said in his defense. But deep inside him he knew that Haneul felt betrayed by what he did.

"Don't give me that bullshit. You betrayed her too." He scoffed.

To Haneul's family and Seungmin, it might seem like they're helping Haneul. But Haneul feels like they're doing the opposite, and now Seungmin is aware of it.

This explains why Haneul never wants to see him again.

"How did you two meet?" Ha-rin asked wanting to know about the story.

"Were you a victim too? I wouldn't be surprised to be honest." Minho asked as well, "I just want to tell you that you're not in some k-drama. This is real life my guy. You can't change a psychopath overnight."

❝BREAK FREE❞ // K. SeungminOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora