Lust For Love

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A couple years go by, me and that one girl that I just couldn't get out of my head. We became really good friends, her name is luna, she works at this coffee shop just down the road from where I live. One day I decided to stop by there (let's just say I'm glad I stopped by before going to work, I am also now 21) "Omg Victoria hey! Welcome in!" God her smile made me feel weirdly warm inside, and comforted. "Hey luna, thanks!" I smiled "What can I get you?" "Um I'll have a medium vanilla latte" she smiled at me "One medium vanilla latte coming right up!" She follows that sentence with a little giggle that made everyone's head turn (in a good way ofc).
(A couple minutes go by)
"Here you go!" "Oh that was fast thank you" I took my drink "Well that's my job, enjoy!" She giggled "Hey, luna" I stopped her "Yeah?" Her head turn, so graceful. "Would you like to hang out after I get off work?" I asked "Yeah I'm so down to hang with you, what time would that be?" "Around 6" I smiled again "Perfect! I get off at 4 so that'll work!" Perfect. "Great!, meet me at my job?" "You got it!" She smiled wide "Great!" "See you then!" I smiled
"See you!" I place my money plus my tip down on the table for her and walk out. I arrive at my job and get to work. Today I do inventory and work the bar. "Great." I say to myself not excited to see anyone or talk. But I was also excited to see luna tonight, cause tonight was the night I planned of asking her to be my girlfriend. We've both given each other mixed feelings/signals. I pray and hope she feels the same that I do.

*Hours pass* The bar starts to calm down and gets a little quieter, I take this time to do inventory. I walk to the back and start doing inventory like asked. I get done doing that and head back on the floor. "VICTORIA" I hear my name being yelled from across the bar. I look to see Lunas beautiful face standing in the doorway of the bar.
I walk over to where she was standing and I see her in this beautiful tan dress along with black heels paired with a jean jacket. "Omg luna you look breath-taking" my eyes are blessed to see such a gorgeous woman standing in front of me. "Why thank you" she winks and giggles "Seriously, amazing." "Haha stop thank you so much, you don't look too bad yourself for still being in work clothes" she laughed again "Well yeah my shift doesn't end until one more hour, why you here so early?" I smiled "Well am I not allowed to miss my best friend?" She looked at me with sarcastic, disbelief "No,no you're allowed to do anything hah" I laughed "So hurry get back to work I'll be waiting for you right at this table" she sat "Okay, okay fine I'll get back to work" I walk away thinking about her breath-taking smile. Her everything. An hour passes and I head to the table she said she would be at. And there she is sitting pretty tense, makes me wonder. "Hey luna I'm finally done" I sit down across from her "UGH finally, took you forever" she groaned from annoyance "I know I'm sorry we got crazy busy tonight" I said looking down "I seen that, so where do you plan on taking me tonight?" Luna asked me "Well are you hungry?" I asked "I mean no, but I could go for some pasta right now" she giggled "So you are hungry, I see","Fine a little but aren't you?" I laughed "Yeah a little, I know a great Italian restaurant we can go to if you like" I asked "That would be lovely" "Great let's get going" We get In my car and start heading to the Italian restaurant I suggested. We finally arrive at the destination. I get out and open the door for her. "Why thank you!","Of course" We walk inside and immediately get seated at a two seater. "Wow this place is beautiful" she says as her eyes light up with grace. "I know right, I've been dying to eat here" she looked at me in disbelief "Girl, why haven't you ever gone?" She asked "I just didn't find the right time to, but this is just perfect" I smiled "Awhah, I'm glad you finally got to go and I'm glad it's with me" the blush on her already rosey cheeks made something spark inside of me. "Me too"

*Time skip* They order food and are done eating and drinking* "Wow that food was absolutely delicious" I looked at her "I'm glad you enjoyed it" I say with a smile on my face. "So wanna head back to my place?" Luna asked me with a big grin on her face. "Uh sure that would be great" I say with a smile on my face. "Okay great!" She said as she got up and put down the cash for the dinner.
"Wait are you tryna pay for our dinner?, the dinner I asked you to come to." I asked with a confused look on my face. "Uh yeah. I figured I would pay since you asked me to go out with you.","No I am paying I will gladly pay for your food and obviously mine" I say while smiling.
"Its alright seriously" she says while giggling. "Nope I won't let you" I grabbed the bill and ran up front and gave them my card and paid. "Ugh you're so persistent." She rolled her eyes playfully "Well yeah I'm a gentleman" I say while smirking and bowing. "yes you are" the giggle she does lights up my entire world, hearing her giggle was so addictive. We walk out of the restaurant and I lead her to my car, open the door for her, as shes getting into my car I take her hand and help her in. "Why thank you madam!","Of course love" I said as I hopped in the car as well, starting the vehicle. "Wow, love?" She says with a funny confused look on her face.
"Oh sorry, was that to soon?" With a cold worried look on my face."No, no I actually quite like that nickname" she says with a happy grin on her face."Im glad you like it cause you're gonna have to get used to it because I'm gonna call you that for the rest of the time we know each other","Okay bossy" Luna laughs at my comment. Her smile is so sweet and genuine alongside her laugh. We arrive at her very nice place, I mean her house was huge. It was brick and concrete, it looked old but new at the same time. Two story big beautiful home."Wow your house is beautiful" I said looking stunned "Thank you Victoria, I spent a lot of time working to be able to buy it, it wasn't cheap" she giggled "I can see that hah" a giggle slips from my lips "I can't believe I've never been here before, I mean we've been friends for two months shouldn't I know what your house looks like" I smiled  "Well yeah you do have a point, but I just wanted the perfect timing to show you my house, cause normally when I show people my house they take it as a chance to use me and take advantage of how "rich" I am." She says with a serious stern look on her face."Oh my god thats messed up I am so sorry that has happened to you, but that's the past I am the future now and I will never, ever do that to you so do worry!" I rested my hand on her shoulder "Thank you Victoria I am so grateful for you" she follows that sentence with a slight giggle."You're very welcome Luna" a slight smirk falls from my lips."Shall we go inside?","Yes we shall, it's cold out here" she led me inside "Okay, okay" she laughs. We walk into this beautiful big house, there's a spiral staircase right when you walk in, it looks straight out of a fairy tale I mean white tile + wood floors, grey and white concrete walls, big glass tables."Wow even more beautiful inside" this house took my breath away.

"Well thank you" she said "Yeah of course, now so you have wine?","Yes, follow me" I follow her into her huge beautiful kitchen, her kitchen was clean and big.

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