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Victoria's p.o.v

I woke up with a major headache, it felt like bricks were inside my skull honestly terrible. I got up and walked to the bathroom and started getting ready for the day, brushing my teeth, doing my hair, changing you know the usual what normal people do. Until I got an unexpected message from that same unknown number, saying I need to meet them ASAP and that it was an emergency. I was worried about what I got myself into by answering that call but there was no going back now.

I headed downstairs and wanted some coffee it was 8 in the morning and coffee wasn't gonna help my headache, but then again I was still kinda tired. When I got downstairs it's like my headache got worse god I felt awful but it weirdly felt familiar I can't quite pin why but for some reason it did.

"Good morning" bill said as he greeted me with a big smile "Good morning.." I say "What's wrong?" He asked looking quite concerned "I have a major headache" I say as I rub my head in discomfort "Oh sorry, I know that feeling it sucks" he says "It's alright" I reassured him "Well would you like me to make you some coffee?" He asked me "Yes please, if you don't mind","No of course, I don't mind at all!" He was being weirdly nice.. it felt awkward but in a good way I guess.

He turned around and started making my coffee when he got a phone call. He quickly went outside and talked on the phone for what felt like hours. "What was that about?" I asked "I don't really know, just some random person telling me that they need me to meet them somewhere soon" he replied "Weirdo" I said "Yeah it is a little weird","You're not gonna meet them right?" I asked, scared he was actually planning on meeting them "Well I don't know, what if its like super important" he said "So, not your problem" I said as I shrugged my shoulders "True" he finishes making my coffee and hands it to me "There you go!" He said with a grin on his face "Thanks" I gladly took the coffee and slowly sipped on it while thinking about if the person he was talking to was the same person that has been harassing me for the past 12 hours.

I finish my cup of coffee after an hour, while I was thinking and drinking I was also writing a little note for my uncle that I'm saving in case I want to leave but I'm not convinced that I want to leave just yet.

I walk upstairs into my room and plop myself down in my desk chair, I am just drowning in my thoughts, the thoughts I wished would go away and never come back. But here I am in them again, these thoughts are always the same. My dad, uncle, drama, friends, hiroshi, my life. It's slowly becoming all too much. I am fighting so hard to stay strong but no matter how hard I try these same thoughts just keep coming back it's like an endless loop, like I'm trapped in a maze full of all of my fears.


Bill's p.o.v

an hour later, I see Victoria go to her room, close and lock the door behind her. Makes me wonder if she's okay or not, she's never acted like this since she's been here she's always been happy, energetic and engaged in whatever action was taking place. She's always been a ball of sunshine, a lightning strike (in a good way of course) a beautiful growing flower. She is growing up, I don't know what's going on in her mind I wish I did so I could help her with anything and everything. I actually am trying to be there for her and be the uncle I never was, I think I might've fucked her up mentally. Might've given her trust issues and different types of issues that I never wanted to give out in the first place. I just wanted to be her uncle and protect her from the scary world, instead I pushed her in it and forced her to grow up. I wish I would've given her a normal childhood like a normal family member would, not force her to face the world at such a young age. That was never my intention, but at the same time I was using drugs and drinking alcohol constantly. Not that, that's an excuse that's not what I'm saying at all, but I wasn't me at the time and I wasn't thinking straight at all. I was all sorts of fucked up then, that was around the time I lost my brother due to suicide. That fucked my whole world up, it made me feel things I didn't want to. I turned to addiction of drugs and alcohol. Those things made me feel better, or at least I thought it did anyway. But in all fairness I was dealing with those two addictions for over a decade when my brother was alive, but it just got worse once he died. But again that was not an excuse to treat poor Victoria like garbage. That's why she left as soon as possible, it was because of me, my addiction and abuse of drugs and alcoholism. I will forever hate myself for putting her in that position and forcing her to do things that she didn't want to do. Maybe I should go check on her, she may not want to see me but I just need to apologize.

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