Familiar Voice

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Im so confused on who the hell could be here so early, my coworker isn't supposed to show until 11am it's only 10am.

I turn around, to my surprise I see a 6'4 somewhat decent dressed man. Of course my uncle decided to come back into my life when I'm actually starting to be happy again and gaining back my time spent with that horrid family.

"You." I look and face him directly not taking my eyes off him for a split second. "What the hell are you doing here, I work here you can't just show up whenever, I mean you could've called, texted or hell even emailed me once in a while. Why are you here, money?","Now is that any way to greet your uncle?" He said sounding painful as ever, his voice is like listening to nails on a calk board. "haha you're hilarious, now how much? seriously" I asked "I don't need your charity nor pity" he said "So what do you want?" I asked crossing my arms "Forgiveness" I was so caught off guard by the fact that he really came all this way from Tokyo to LA just to ask for forgiveness. I was stunned honestly cause never in a million years did I think he would ever ask for forgiveness especially from me.

"Forgiveness seriously?" I uncrossed my arms "Yes seriously" he said "Please tell me you're joking" I tilt my head "Why would I be joking about that?" He said crossing his arms "Honestly I would rather you ask for money than forgiveness I mean really?" I walk into the bar area getting it all set up, as he followed behind me."Yes please forgive me, it's something your dad would want","My dad? Phtt I don't even know much about him." I say as I laugh to myself.
"Your dad, Tom Kaulitz, was an interesting, dangerous man. He killed people for release & fun but also for work, Taylor your mom, was the only person who brought out the best of my brother, I've never seen him love somebody so much in his life, not even me. Your mom Taylor didn't take the beatings your father caused her, lighty. She disobeyed him constantly but just something about her made him feel things he has never felt before. Taylor was more than special." I looked at him in disbelief "What's the point of telling me this?, Do you seriously think that telling me this will change anything?" I cross my arms again "So you understand our lives a bit better and understand why we do the things we do, we come from a house full of abuse and the only way we found to cope with all that trauma is to do what we were shown, no that's not an excuse but just understand I never meant to hurt you the way I did." He said leaning down on the counter "Wow what a sad sob story. So what you had a hard childhood well guess what so did I and it was all caused because you needed to cope with your childhood and loss of your brother, my dad." I grab a box and move it, not wanting to face my uncle.

"Hey I said I was sorry please, I never ever meant to hurt you the way I did, it was a lot dealing with my brother's death.. we were so close to becoming good people." He rested his head in his hands "Listen I'm sorry about what you've gone through, but I don't forgive people who have caused me pain. I'll see you around" Those were the last things I said to him as I walked to the back.

*Time skip* Bill left as I got back to work, opened up the restaurant and worked for a few hours till I called someone to fill in for me because after that whole talk with my uncle I felt physically ill and just couldn't put in the hours I wanted to that day.

I headed out to my car and drove back to my apartment, where Luna was just siting on the couch watching tv. "Oh hey stranger" she smiles "Hi, what are you doing here?" I close my front door, put up my keys and coat up "What? I can't come visit my girlfriend?","Look I'm not in the mood." I walk over to the couch "What do you mean? Did something happen at work?" She said looking at me "Yeah something did happen at work and with you, I don't want to talk about it right now." I said "Victoria why are you acting so weird, just talk to me please I can't help if I don't know what's wrong" God she sounded so pathetic it was unbelievable and pretty annoying, honestly getting on my nerves. "I said I don't wanna talk about it." I said looking straight ahead at the TV "It's always "I don't wanna talk right now" why? Why don't you ever tell me anything? Do you not trust me or something? Cause I'm worried Victoria, genuinely worried about you and your well-being" she said "Luna, please leave" I said turning off the TV "Victoria tell me what's wrong","Luna, leave now." I got up and opened the front door for her
"Fine you don't wanna talk, don't talk then, and don't stop by my work anymore","Ok" As she left she slammed the door, I almost felt bad but she was getting on my nerves. I just needed space because all of this was too much for me to even handle, first we have my uncle popping up at my job and dumping a whole load of crap on my table then I have my girlfriend always on my ass about everything, I'm barely hanging on.

Everything my uncle told me about my dad was a lot to take in, my dad sounded like an awful human being until he met my mom, its like something inside him changed. I mean that's a lot of things to take in at the moment.

I sigh to myself as I walk back to my room, grab some clothes and towels then step into the bathroom looking directly into eyes thinking about everything.
I processed to undress and hop in the shower letting the hot water run over my face still tryna process things.
A couple minutes go by, I step out of the shower and back in front of the mirror unraveling myself, and all I notice is the sh scars across my legs and stomach. God I hated the way they looked, they brought back horrid memories that I fought so, so hard to not remember or dig up. I dress myself and walk out into my bedroom laying down looking at the dark cold ceiling.

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