Trust Worthy

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Victoria's p.o.v

I looked at Angie and bill "When do you plan on telling the others?" I asked "Don't know yet, cause to be honest I don't know how well they'll take it" bill spoke
"I'm sure they'll support any decision-making you do!" I add while a smile is plastered on my face from the fact that my uncle is actually happy for once in his life.
"Yeah, they're very understanding" Bill smiled
"Oh yeah definitely!" I say as I go up to Ang and bill hugging them very tightly. I pull away from them as they turn to each other kissing and hugging.

I walk back, opening the door to see Gustav, Georg, and their girls standing by the window watching/ease dropping. "Oh hey guys" I say "Oh hey Victoria.." Georg and Gustav both say while looking at me with a worried look plastered their faces. "Whatcha doing?" I ask knowing that they will end up lying to me even though I caught them in the act. "Nothing." Georg adds "Yeah right liars, I seen y'all spying" I say as I laugh to myself "No idea what you're talking about" Gustav says "Don't lie, I totally seen y'all spying" I laugh "Fine we were, but whatever y'all were talking about must've been interesting because you all walked away out of sight" Georg adds "Oh yeah it was very interesting" I say feeding their confusion "What does that mean?","You'll find out soon enough" I say as they both give me a very confused but also concerned look.

Angie walks in with Bill's arm around her waist. "I am a now a fiance to this beautiful woman!" He yells "Omg are you serious?!" Gustav asked "Finally man" Georg adds. The boys are all talking and hugging while the girls are all talking and screaming about, how pretty the ring is?. Once they get done doing whatever, bill and Ang head upstairs hopefully to cuddle but I mean I wouldn't put it past bill to want to do the devils tango after proposing to Angie.

I walk into the kitchen looking for something to eat, to my surprise nothing. So I walk upstairs to knock on Bill's door to ask for some money and his keys so I can run to the store real quick. I get to his door and it seems like he's a bit occupied at the moment (ifykyk), so I head back downstairs to see if Gustav or Georg will hand me over some money and their keys. I arrive downstairs and see that Georg is also quite occupied of course, so I guess Gustav it is. I walked over to Gustav "Hey gusty" I said "Hey little one, what's up?" I look down nervous " um I need some money and your keys please" I said "okay, but what for?" I looked at him "Y'all have no food whatsoever, so I need enough money for groceries and your car for transportation obviously" I smile "You got it" he tossed his keys at me and pulled out his credit card and handed me that as well "Go nuts" wow this is new behavior. "Thanks gusty" I replied "Yep no problem"
I head out to the separate garage, hopped in his car and drove off to the store.


Bill's p.o.v

me and Ang just got done having a good time (ifykyk) and you know after that workout I need a drink. I headed downstairs and grabbed a bottle of water and saw that Victoria wasn't anywhere to be found in sight. "Hey Gustav have you seen Victoria?" I asked "Oh yeah she just left to get some groceries" he replied "How?","Me duh, I gave her my card and car","Oh right duh" I shake my head "Well thanks she needs to get out a little more often" I said "That's for sure"
After that non interesting conversation I headed back upstairs to Ang who was lying down in my bed with my T-shirt on "Finally you took forever","Sorry I was just talking to Gustav" I said "Oh is he alright?" She asked me
"Yeah he's fine, it was just about Victoria" I replied "oh, Is she alright?","Yeah she's just at the store getting some things" I smile at Angie "Okay good, wanna watch a movie?","Sure" I say as I lay down with Angie wrapped up in my arms, kissing her forehead softly.


Victoria's p.o.v

minutes later I'm checking out and heading home, but I decided to take a different way home. That plan didn't work out at all, I got really lost and I was somewhere near the race track my uncle won my life and his own, on. I pulled up and parked near the race track, got out and just walked along where they would race. I see something so familiar, as I got closer I seen that it was my dad's and uncles name wrote in a shape of a heart. It was sweet honestly relaxing to look at, but I knew it held bad memories I could just feel the negative energy that surrounded the names. Was I really Trust Worthy? Could they actually trust me with their secrets?, for some odd reason those thoughts filled my head. I didn't know why those thoughts came up out of the clear blue but I wanted to shut them up as soon as possible so I turned back around and walked towards the car, getting in and leaving. This time I actually took the only way I knew home.


Bill's p.o.v

I hear a car pull up, I head back downstairs to see Victoria open the front door and walk with her hands full of grocery bags."Hey guys I'm home, help me out?" Victoria says "Yeah coming" I heard Gustav yell back. He headed outside and grabbed more bags and brought them inside."Thanks gusty" Victoria said "Yeah no problem" Victoria smiles "Oh hey bill" Victoria says "Hey you" I said "So how was it?" She asked me "What do you mean?" I look at her confused "You know what I mean" she said smirking "OH that, good as always" I smirked "Omg you nasties!" Victoria yells while play hitting me in the shoulder "You asked" I shrugged
"True, true, anyway hungry? Cause imma mask some delicious food" she said "Oh yeah after that good of a time imma need some food","Shut up" Victoria said slapping me in the shoulder "Okay okay" I said.


Victoria's p.o.v

bill heads upstairs as I walk into the kitchen, putting the food away and leaving the food I needed to use, out. I start making dinner when my phone starts blowing up.
"What the hell" I say to myself as I walk over to my phone checking who is blowing me up like this, I pick up my phone and see that it's an unknown number. The messages are all
"Answer Victoria!!"
"Please it's important"
"I can't tell you who I am just yet but I promise I'll explain everything"
"Please Victoria"

"Who the hell is this" I whisper to myself and just put my phone on back down not wanting to deal with this stranger at the moment, that knew my name. I headed back over to the stove and finish making dinner, tonight we're having burritos. I am uncontrollably excited, burritos are my favorite!! And especially homemade ones definitely the best. I finish making dinner and call everyone down to eat. "Woah this looks delicious" Georg says "Thanks, they're my homemade burritos!" I smile
"They look yummy!" Angie says "Thanks guys, now dig in!" I say as my phone vibrates and I see that someone is calling me. "Hey I've got to take this I'll be right back!"
"Okay" they all say, I take my phone and head outside. I answer the call.
"Hello?" I ask out

"Hello, is this Victoria?" A non described voice speaks out

"Yes, this is?"

"Don't worry about it, I need you to meet me somewhere"

"Well I can't do that considering the fact that I don't know who this is"

"You'll find out if you meet me at this address" the random guy sent me an address

"Ugh well right now I can't I'm busy and I've got to go bye"

"Wait one more thing, don't tell anyone where you're going that's if you agree to go"

"Bye" I hung up the phone and head back inside trying to act normal, I sat down and enjoyed my burrito.

I finish eating and leave the table heading upstairs into the bathroom getting ready to take a night shower to get the feeling of Lunas hands on my body out of my head. I still can't believe that who I thought was the love of my life would betray me just like that especially hurt me physically and mentally.

I get undressed and hop in the shower, after letting the nice warm water run over my face and body I decided to take an actual shower.

Minutes later I hopped back out of the shower, wrapped a towel around my body and dried off. Got dressed and walked to my room, stepping inside and taking a few deep breaths in and out just sighing of relief. I've actually never felt so safe before in my life, even enjoying my life alone was scary I felt free though. Now I feel safe but trapped in my own head and sorrows.

I walk towards my bed and sat down staring ahead of me as if something interesting was happening. I lie down and take some more few deep breaths, and eventually fell asleep.


Bill's p.o.v

I seen Victoria just run upstairs right after she was done eating, that kind of worried me considering everything she's been threw this past week. I decided I was gonna check up on her, I went upstairs to find her sleeping in her bed peacefully it made me realize that she just needed her own space and time to heal, and needed to be alone for a little bit. I walked into my room and just plopped down on my bed and just stared at my blank ceiling thinking about everything, things I've done that I harshly regret and wished I've never done those things to certain people including my only niece, the niece that had my brother as her father the brother whom i lost and learned so much from.

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