A New Possibility

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I hear Tom storm upstairs, angrily "Bill!" He shouts. I turn my head quickly to see Tom out of breath "what" I ask, the look on Tom's face told me something is happening unexpected. "Tiffany's gone." He says, pacing the room once he reaches it. "what are you on about" I can't believe he really stormed up here because of stupid Tiff. "The personal body guard I hired, told me that she left for the store and he lost her, no one could find her! Dumbass body guard" he mumbled under his breath. "Tom, really?" I said crossing my arms. He stopped and stepped towards me "what do you mean?" He looked at me, shooting straight through my eyes. "It's just a girl, you can get another" I uncross my arms, he walked closer to me "she's not just, any girl." He said so stern, he thought he was threatening. I didn't care about his little girlfriend, I cared about what business we were here for.

"She's important to me." I rolled my eyes at his stupid comment, how could someone so weak, be so important to my brother. "And why would she be so important?" I sit back down, signaling Angelina to leave. "Bill, let me put this in a way you'd hopefully, understand." He sits down next to me. Does he think I'm a child? The way he's speaking to me makes it seem like he pictures me as my younger self. "She understands me in a way I don't think, you ever will." His words hit a soft spot I knew I had, just haven't seen in a while. "I'm your brother Tom." Unbelievable he would even say that, I think I know him better than he thinks.

"Brother or not, you don't know me as well as you think.. You can't comfort me the way she can and does" I can't believe we're even having this conversation over a girl of his. I feel like he's replacing me, I mean he's just tucking everything we've been through, away. It hurts, we dealt with so much growing up, we've gotten kidnapped, abused and he's got the worst of it. Our dad even thought about selling us for some money.. well that was before our dad killed himself. He's just gonna throw that all away over love? Our bond is like no other, we've been through hell together, walked on eggshells together even killed together, and he's just throwing it all away. Unbelievable.

"Tom, I think you're being stupid right now." I crossed my arms and stood up "of course you think I am, you're just like our mother, holding things over my head that I can't or couldn't, control." Wow that was a classic Tom move. "You need to gain control back, this isn't you." I can't believe him right now. "I'm glad it's not because I hate the old me, the old me was terrifying and afraid to fail, I don't want this reputation anyway." He stormed away from me, tossing his keys and his gun. "Tom! Don't walk away from me. Don't walk away from this path we've built." I ran after him as Angelina watched on, terrified.

"Why bill? Why not? I hate this life." He shouted angrily, tears streaming down his face, it hurt to watch him break like this. "Because I need you." I said calmly, not trying to fuel the fire building up in him. "You don't need me, you want me to finish what you started." He continued to walk away from me. "No! That's not true, ever since we were young, I needed you! Tom please!" I begged him, I've never felt so pathetic in my life, than this very moment. His words hurt. "Please tom.." I feel hot, steamy tears rolling down my cheeks. He didn't look back, he stared forward and didn't turn back, not once. He left me standing there, wishing, praying that he would turn around and trust what I am saying and believe me for once. "Tom.." my voice cracked as I spoke softly, hopping he would think more about the decisions he's making. It's not like him to walk away from me, from everything. To quit on me just like that.. is hard to comprehend..


Tom's p.o.v

Im proud of myself for actually walking away from Bill and his bullshit. I'm not gonna lie though, it was hard to walk away from my brother, the man who stuck by my side through everything, stuck up for me even though I know I didn't need the help and he knew I didn't need it, yet he still stayed. When I found out I was bipolar, he stayed strong for me and through me. When I lost Taylor he stayed strong for me, didn't give up on me even when I wanted to. I came so close to ending my own life, so many times but my brother would always tell me that it was a stupid decision for me to make and he wouldn't know how to live on if my attempts actually worked. I know I need to listen to him more and hear him out on things I know he's strong in but I just can't, I need to stay out of his shadow and create my own. I need to gain strength to officially walk out of his life and live my own because he hasn't healed from the past but I have, he still does drugs and has no remorse for anything not even me.

I walk to the road, calling a cab to take to my house. I met my bodyguard at my door "hello Mike." I look at him dead in the eye. He stands tall in front of me, which pissed me off more than I already was "come to my office." I demanded. I walked into my office and a few minutes later my bodyguard came in as well.

"sit." I pointed to the seat in front of my desk. "Any updates on Tiffany?" I ask, interlinking my hands together, on my desk, in front of me. "None." He replies. I stand up and shove things off my desk. "I hired you to protect her!" I shouted angrily. "I know" he says calmly, looking down, which again, only fueled my anger because he was so calm. "you're fired." I said leaving my office with him following behind me "Mr Kaulitz, please don't fire me, I need this job" I stop and turn to face Mike "I don't care, not my problem." I continue to walk away from him, not wanting this conversation to continue. "I apologize Mr Kaulitz" he stops and kneels before me "get off your knees" I demand and sigh "maybe my brother will hire you." I look down at him, appearing he's shorter than me. "Oh thank you" he bows in front of me. "You're dismissed" I walk away, upstairs to my room. I saw on my phone, I had 12 missed calls from Bill, I sigh and put my phone silently beside me, laying down hoping Mike will do his job and find Tiffany, I won't fire him just yet but I will if he doesn't find Tiffany soon.

Please come home.. Tiffany.

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