Taking Risks

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I am completely at a loss of words to say anymore about how I feel, this whole situation is just a dark hole of darkness. I see no light at the end of the tunnel for mine or to be honest any one of their lives (Georg, Gustav, yk). This time, this place is just filled with nothingness, zero power and tons of violence plus violations. I don't know where else to look for poor Victoria, she's probably so terrified and lost.


Victoria's p.o.v

I am still trapped down in this hell with zero light and zero food. I am so dehydrated and tired, I have not yet had one ounce of sleep while being trapped. I miss my uncle and everyone else, I miss my comfy bed and the food I bought without even being able to enjoy it. I'm scared, lost and worse confused on why the fuck I have to pay for the damages MY family caused, I only share a last name and blood that's it, otherwise I am nothing like what these people apparently think I am. I hear a door open and at last some light.

"Hi Victoria, it's nice to see you again" I hear a very familiar voice speak out "Who are you?!","It's Luna, remember me?" She said smirking "Luna.." I say low, under my breath terrified of what's to come next knowing full well of what she's capable of. "Correct, I am now working for a major Mafia from Germany, that your dad and uncle have come across before in the past" she smiled "Why do you keep doing this to me?!" I cry out "Cause I love how pathetic you look and sound" she smirked "You love abusing me, but why?!" I cry out "Cause it hurts your family, and your family hurt the people I work for and I don't know if you know but it's kind of my job" she says it so snob like "Yeah I kind of figured that was gonna be the answer" I say as I know how much of a smart ass Luna can actually be

"Well moving on, do you know where your uncle or anyone apart of that department is?" She asked "No and if I did what makes you think I would tell you?" I asked "You could choose not to but I'd still force it out of you, one way or another." She threatened "And how might that be?" I asked, being a smart ass about it "Do I really need to give you details, I'm sure you know" she said "Torture?, rape?, how?" I asked "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it but for now don't worry about it."
"We've got bigger and better problems to deal with like you, we are planning on keeping you here a lot longer than expected, so try and get comfortable" she said cocky like "Fuck you.." I say under my breath "I'm sorry, what was that?" She asked "I said fuck you!" I spit "Oh is that how we're gonna play this? Okay too can also play that game"  I give her a look of disgust and spit in her face "Ugh what the fuck?!" She yells as she wipes off her face, I take this as a chance to run for it seeing as the door is still open just wide enough for me to run without making noise. I ran out as fast as I could running past everyone and everything, not looking back once. Not caring for how many people try to stop me from escaping.

I was running until I ran into someone knocking me out.

*Minutes later* I woke up with a pounding headache and a huge bump on the side of my head.
"Well,well,well Victoria here was trying to escape ain't that right?" Hiroshi says "Hiroshi?.. I thought we were done with you.." my hands were uncontrollably shaking
"That's the thing, your uncle fucked up with not killing me now I have every chance to kill you" he said
"This doesn't make sense, how are you involved with this German Mafia.." I asked "We decided it would be more convenient to be involved in each other's business I mean we both have something dearly in common" he said "What's that?.." I asked "Dealing with the Kaulitz twins are their gang" he said "What does that have to do with me though? Why kidnap me for their past mistakes and regrets.." I ask, knowing this question is probably driving him crazy "We've been over this a thousand times, it causes them pain and that's what we always planned on doing, is causing them pain before actually killing them." He said rolling his eyes "God can't you just kill her already" Luna says "Not yet, we haven't gotten to the fun part yet." Hiroshi says "Oh yes my favorite part" Luna says "Then let's get started, shall we?" Hiroshi said "Yes we shall" Luna says as she brings out a pocket knife "No no please!!" I scream "Please, no please!" I am practically begging. She leans down and drags the blade across my skin, she's taunting me with this blade. She presses down and slowly drags it down closer to a vein. She drags it closer to the vein and finally reaches the vein cutting through it. The pain is to much to bare, I feel lightheaded and woozy. I feel I'm gonna pass out from the amount of blood loss.. my eye lids are getting heavier.. my body is shocked with pain..


Bill's p.o.v

I'm still looking for Victoria, I've been looking for her for over 24hours yet still nothing. I'm on the verge of giving up, but I know I have just one more place to check. Hiroshi's. I don't know why I haven't killed him yet, that could be the reason on why he would kidnap Victoria. I already know hiroshi kidnapped her for again, revenge. I call up my gang and we start heading to hiroshi's business home, I know he has one we all have one. I know that was the house he kept her in when he first kidnapped her.

Me and my gang finally arrived at hiroshi's business home. I got out and so did the other's, we walked around the house and went to the back which is where he would keep a little pent house to hold enemies in. We arrive in front of the pent house and I instantly hear screaming and groaning. I try and quietly break the lock on the outside, once I get the lock off I slowly open the door to see Victoria bleeding out on the concrete floor. I instantly run to her white looking body

"Victoria!" I yell
"Victoria please, stay with me!"
"I can't lose you!"
"Please kiddo!"..

I pick her up, and feel that she's barely awake and breathing slowly. While the others deal with Hiroshi and Luna. This is the time I'm starting to freak out from the blood loss that Victoria is missing. We sneak back outside and to our cars and I kindly place Victoria in my passenger seat and hurried to in the driver seat. I drove faster than I ever had even when racing, straight to the hospital. Not stopping at a single red light taking risks. If I get pulled over the others will just have to take Victoria to the hospital and i hope one of them will step up and take her if it comes down to it. Speeding threw highways and street lights and finally arriving at the hospital, risking going to jail. But I would rather her live and me in jail then let her die to save my own ass, I know I'm selfish but Im not that selfish. I rushed to the passenger side of my car slowly and carefully taking Victoria out, holding her bridal style. Running inside and instantly yelling for doctors. After the doctors took Victoria back I instantly got taken down by cops/security guards.


Victoria's p.o.v

I can barely keep my eyes open and I feel my body getting weaker, weaker and heavier. I'm slowly drifting away.

*More time passes* I wake up and realize I'm in a hospital confused and scared. I look down at my right arm and see multiple staples and stitches. I look around and see Gustav passed out in a chair in the corner.
"Gustav!" I slightly yell "Ah! What?" He yells scared "Wheres my uncle? And why am I here?" I ask, scared and weak.

"Oh well good morning to you too, your uncle got arrested once he brought you here, and you're here because someone cut your wrist open and ended up hitting a vein so you had to get surgery, that's the reason for the staples and stitches." He said in a stern tone of voice I froze looking at him terrified and worried about my uncle. "When can we go visit him?" I ask "Once you're healed" Gustav says "When will he get out?" I ask "He won't for a very, very long time" he said sounding very upset Oh Jesus.. I say under my breath
"Well can we bail him out?" I ask "Maybe, I have to see how much money we all have saved up" Gustav says
"How much is his bail?" I asked "Over 10 grand" Gustav added "Oh well that's not too bad I'm sure we can figure something out, right?.." I'm terrified, my uncle may not be getting out and it's all because of me.

"Yeah we will I promise, just worry about healing for now okay and the rest of us will figure something out" Gustav said. I sigh "okay well I might have some money to give you guys, to maybe help" I said weakly "Again don't worry we got this" Gustav reassured "I wanna help though, he's my uncle","I know but it's gonna take time for you to heal and you can't help everybody" Gustav looked at me sadly "I know but please" I begged "Im sorry but no" he said "Gustav I'm 21 years old if I choose to help someone than let me" I said "You are so stubborn" he says while shaking him head and crossing his arms in disappointment "Fine you can lend money but that's it, other than that you can't do anything physically, understand?" He raised his eyebrow "God you're like a dad, yeah I understand","Good see you tomorrow" he says while leaving the room I'm in.

There I was, left alone in a hospital room feeling useless and worthless, knowing I can't do anything right. Everytime I try I get injured in the process and end up screwing things up. Why do I always have to screw things up for my family, my uncle is now in jail because of me and the rest of them have to figure out what to do. Because of me, taking risks because of me, risking their lives because of me.

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