What'd You Take?

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I couldn't move.


Bill's p.o.v

After that disaster. I heard, gagging, choking. I knew Angelina was still downstairs but I didn't know she was with someone.

I ran downstairs, not waisting a single second on anyone else. I got downstairs to see a man straddling Angelina's lifeless body's, hips. Anger built up inside me watching that disgrace, fuck Angelina. I took out my gun and shot him. Over and over, and over again. Till I wanted to stop. After I smashed in his head with my larged heeled boot. I smashed it till there was nothing left to satisfy me.

I ran to Angelina's side, shook her violently. She didn't wake up. "Angelina" I spoke loudly. And continued shaking her. "C'mon, wake up!" I said through gritted teeth. I was holding back anything that could make this a bigger issue. Tom came running downstairs and to my side.

"Honey, what'd you take" I looked down at her lifeless body. "What'd you take?!"."Look at me!" I shook her relentlessly. "Tell me what you took!" I felt a single tear leave my eye, looking at her like that after being taken advantage of, made me so fucking mad. Killing him wasn't enough I should've tortured him for hours on end. I picked Angelina up and brought her to my sleek car, placing her carefully inside. I quickly got in and drove to the nearest hospital. I didn't even bother parking good. I dont care. She was my main focus now. And right now she's passed the fuck out, I have no idea what was forced down her throat and into her system. Why the hell didn't I just leave the killing to Tom, Georg and Gustav. If I did this would be avoided. I don't even know what happened downstairs. God I'm so fucking stupid.


I got her into the hospital safe and sound. The doctors are running tests trying to figure out what got into her system. I've been here for about 6 hours. I'm starting to get impatient. I need to know what drug did this to her. I don't even know what the doctors are doing to her. I need to know what the fuck is going on with Angelina.

I walked to the doctors and stood in front of them. "What is going on with Angelina?" I needed more info than just 'running tests', 'she's alright'. They needed to clarify what the fuck was going on. "Sir, she's fine, just running some more tests" no their fucking done with their test runs. "Fuck that." I stormed off and walked into the room Angelina was restless in. Her body looked so fragile. I bet her mind was racing with questions and confusion. I rushed to her side and took out all the IVs, picked her up and took her out of the hospital. I'll figure this shit out my damn self. Even if it takes months.

I will find out what the fuck happened to her.


Tom's p.o.v

I need to find out what happened to Angelina. Bill didn't tell me anything and I'm still thinking about Tiffany and what happened to her. There's no trace or proof of her disappearing without contact. What if, what happened to Taylor happens to Tiffany. What if I'm not able to save her like I didn't Taylor. What if I can't reach her. What if I can't find her. What if she's dead?.

I've feared this day would come but not this soon. But those sinful thoughts keep coming. They're like a disease I can't heal from, scars I can't fix. Bullet holes that don't go away until I rip the bullets myself. Images that come up like waves of pain.

A major heartache takes place in my body from memories of Taylor nd what we did together. Those will always be there. No matter how hard I try and forget Taylor, the things we did, been through. She'll always be there.

It's nothing new.


I walk up to my brother and rest my hand on his shoulder. He turns quickly. "What happened?" He shrugs my hand away and looks away from me. "I don't know much," he spoke eagerly. "But I do know she was raped by that mother fucker I smashed." His voice cold and full of regrets. Not much information on how she passed out, what she took or what got forced into her system. But the way it's looking, it was definitely forced down. She got raped for god sake, passed out while it happened. Definitely forced. But nobody ever pays attention to the facts and obvious answers. It doesn't matter though, he's dead.

We just have to keep this on the DL. Bury bodies, burn shit. The usual we do to keep our names clean for the moment. Till it catches up to us.


It's unfair y'know. He gets to keep Angelina but I had to lose the women I loved. First Taylor, now Tiffany. What has he done that's so great that he gets to keep his toy. He doesn't even love her the way I loved them. He doesn't treat her the way I miss treating them. He doesn't look at her the same, I did them. He doesn't fuck her with love. When he fucks her it's miserable for her. Painful, a guilty pleasure of his. Forces drugs into her system. Marks her, in ways you couldn't even bare to imagine. He's not the same person he was when I was with Taylor.

Apparently Taylor had an effect on everyone. He was a lot nicer to women, to himself. It was mainly me whom took control of every situation. I made the calls. I did the killing, I did the torture. I did the manipulation, guilt trip. He stayed out of every argument. Every business meet up, I did the talking.

Now he's a changed man.


Finally my actions are catching up to me. Im getting what Taylor begged for me to get in the end. It's all catching up to me. Everything I did is now opening a new door for me that I refuse to walk through. Is this what you wanted Taylor?! Me to suffer? For me to feel guilty until I die? Well here you go. It's happening. All under your touch.

The only way to help her pass peacefully, is to give her what she truly wanted.


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