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Tom's p.o.v

While sleeping peacefully last night I witnessed this weird 21 year flashback. It brought back many memories that I tried to keep hidden. That I tried to get rid of. I was hoping for some sort of relief if any at this point. These nightmares just keep coming and going it's like a cycle I'm not able to break unless I make amendments with Bill, Georg, Gustav, and my daughter. Everyone else I don't care about. But I'm not sure if they want to participate in that ordeal. "God why" I say loud practically begging and yelling for release. I don't know what went through my head when fucking up this badly and ruining a relationship that all I ever wanted from it, was freedom. But instead I got a curse. And I'm chained up begging for release. Why did I do this?.


Victoria's p.o.v

it's a beautiful day and I decided I'm gonna start heading back to my apartment. I haven't visited it in a while and it's the first place I've ever entered that actually felt like home. But for some odd reason I can't stop thinking about what Tom and Bill had talked about the other day. It put a hole through my heart. Shot me like an arrow. Sent shivers down my spine I have no clue why it was hitting me this hard. It hit like a boulder. I needed to get this big weight off my shoulders and chest. It stopped me from breathing and moving normally like I was stuck in a pit of nothing. I felt like nothing. I felt like this is maybe what my dad felt that day. Or feels at all.

I stopped dead in my thoughts when my uncle came up to me and started talking. "Hey Victoria wanna get some ice cream?" He said "no I'm not really up to ice cream right now, got a lot on my mind" "wouldn't ice cream help?" He said with a sad look on his face. "I don't know" I said "what's wrong buttercup?" He asked with a big worried look planted on his face "alot, I've been thinking about what you and Tom talked about the other day, when he showed up" "ohh I see" he said "yeah for some reason I can't get it out of my head". "Sorry Victoria, I wish I could do something to take it off your mind" he said while looking away "yeah me to." I say walking back upstairs and into my room, closeing and locking the door.


Bill's p.o.v

god Tom really did fuck up this time. Normally I would have an excuse for him, but in this instance there is no excuse for his actions. I'm tired of making excuses up for Tom, he may be my brother, best friend, family but he's gone to far with this suicide thing, showing up then leaving again without a proper goodbye.

End of Bill's p.o.v

bill went out to get ice cream for everyone when out of the clear blue he sees Tom heading into a liquor store. He followed Tom in shockingly, without being seen. Tom picked up a bottle of wine and walked to the cash register, paid then walked out. He got in his car as Bill got in his and Bill then followed Tom again to see where he was going. Out of curiosity. Tom and Bill pulled into an unlit parking garage. Bill was getting a little freaked out by this whole thing, wine then a basically abandoned parking garage. Bill parked just far enough in the unlit parking garage so Tom couldn't see him. Tom got out and started walking towards the staircase that lead down. The door slammed shut as Bill got out of his car grabbing his gun and putting it in his waist band in case of anything going down, unexpectedly. Tom reached the bottom of the staircase that lead into the basement of the garage. Bill also eventually reached the bottom of the staircase. Tom walked out the door that was to the basement of the garage Bill continued to follow Tom. Meanwhile everyone is wondering where Bill is because it normally doesn't take this long to get some ice cream. Tom walked in the dark garage no light, no nothing. Bill also did trying to not blow his cover. Tom then walked into a room closeing the door behind him. There was a little peephole that Bill could barely see anything through but yet just big enough. He seen a red headed girl that looked similar to Taylor which weirded him out, because how is that possible? she died after giving birth. So Bill thought to himself "it couldn't be Taylor, right..".

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