Best Served Cold

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If it means keeping her alive.


I didn't know I couldn't do this without her until now. She was everything to me and now she's missing, a piece of me is missing. Again.

I feel like I can't breathe without her, let alone live. This may be a bit dramatic but it's how I genuinely feel and I couldn't even get my own twin brother to understand how she saved me in a way I didn't know I could be saved. Honestly I don't think I'm good enough to feel her perfect love, the way she moves, speaks is unlike anyone. I can't carry on.

"Tom?.." I hear a voice I recognize. I leave my soulless body and follow the voice to somewhere unknown. All I can see is darkness, stars, and some odd clouds. "Tom~" the voice kept creeping, leading me blindly.

The voice led me inside an abandoned house. It was rusty and broke down, like whoever owned it just got up and left. Not taking anything with. The stairs look like if you even rested a single step on it, they'd break. I called out for the voice, yet nothing. I don't have a clue what's happening. "Tom! Over here" I heard the voice call out from upstairs in a bedroom. I walked upstairs and into the room I thought I heard the voice from.

I heard it again, in a different room. I walked over to it and found, nothing? Is this some stupid prank? Why do I feel paranoid, paralyzed?. I feel I wasn't meant to follow the voice after all. But the voice is addicting and so intriguing. So I stood there, looking dumb. Waiting for something to happen, something interesting.

I saw a figure walk towards me. I backed up slowly, unsure of what to do or why I came. "Hi Tom" the voice called out, god, it sounded so familiar.. like.. Taylor. No that's not possible.. she's dead. My eyes flutter rapidly, waiting. I see red hair shine in the moon light.. I couldn't believe Taylor was standing in front of me. "Taylor?.." I called out yet I got nothing. I was confused and completely lost.

I looked around for some sort of escape. I couldn't find anything to help me out of this nightmare. "Don't be scared, I'll never hurt you the way you hurt me." She taughted me.

I instantly turn my head to face.. Taylor. Standing tall in front of me, she's not scared. She doesn't even look alive. "Taylor.." I whispered softly to gain her attention. "Where am I?" I asked out. Her face was distorted and wrong. She doesn't look the same from when we met. I'm so confused. I'm not even excited to see her like I would've been.

"Come here Tom. Let me hold you" she reached her arms out, waiting for me to walk into her arms while walking to me. "Don't leave me Tom.." she whispered, I could hear her silent cry's through her voice. "Go away" I hope I'd wake up, hoping this is a nightmare and I would wake up. "Tom.. don't push me away please!" She cried out. I didn't know what to do.

I just looked at her not seeing innocence in her anymore. Seeing a sad, pathetic soul. She wasn't the same Taylor I knew.

"You aren't the same.." I tried to hold back my tears but I couldn't.. I miss her but this doesn't feel the same.

Tears stroll down my face. Tasting the salty tears were a snap back into reality. "I am.. it's Taylor.. please Tom.. save me.." I couldn't stand her disorganized face, her words. "I can't.." she broke down from hearing my words. "Why Tom! Why did you let me die!" She yelled out to me. Her words cut me.. deeper than any words have. "I couldn't.. reach you.." she hit me, took all her anger out on me. I felt her pain, physically and emotionally. I wish I would've gotten to her in time. Why was I so late?.. why would I let that happen to her?!.. why couldn't I protect her!!. "I'm sorry." She looked up at me, her eyes red and puffy. Begging for me to save her. I couldn't though. "Why'd you do it?.." she whispered softly. "Do what?.." I held her close and looked into her sad eyes.

"Why'd you let that happen to me!" She screamed at me, forcing me to let her go and let my arms fall to my side. My head tilted down, I couldn't stand to look at her pathetic face. "Why Tom! Why?!" She screamed again. I wouldn't answer her, I couldn't. I couldn't find the right words to fix her, to help her pass peacefully.

The only thing I could say was something that was best served cold. "You weren't my first priority." I whispered, knowing this wouldn't help her or give her the answer she wanted. "How could you.." she spoke softly, crying uncontrollably. "How could you Tom! You left me to bleed!". I know, Taylor. I know. I failed you like I do everyday. But I didn't have a choice. She deserves the explanation, I know she does. But I can't hurt her anymore than I already have. The words I could say in this moment while I have it, could cause more pain. I don't want that. I don't want her to completely pass with pain that I've caused. I can't let that happen.

"I'm sorry Taylor" she held her head inside her hands and sobbed. "Sorry is not good enough.. Tom." She spoke cold. That sent shivers down my spine and my eyes to widen slightly. She looked up at me, her eyes completely black. No white, no color. "Taylor.." I tried backing up but I was already backed into a wall. I was worried I couldn't wake up or save her properly. "Taylor please!" I yelled, aggressively shaking her. Her body jerked in a way that wasn't humane.

"Bye Tom"

My Living Nightmare ReincarnateTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang