A Perfect Start

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Tom's p.o.v

I'm headed downtown to check out the new bar in town, I heard it is full of hot women. I arrive and park somewhere secluded, no one near it. I walk up to the bar, and inside. Meeting new faces, many scared of me, many not but this one blonde was really not afraid of me. It gave me a good idea. I walked up to her. "Hey gorgeous" she turned, once I saw her face it immediately reminded me of Taylor. "Hello" her smile was bright and beautiful. "So what brings you here to this new bar" her breath, hot but nice "just wanted to check it out, you?" "Same reason, my names tom" she giggles "I know, the man apart of the most dangerous gang in Tokyo, that races correct? My names Tiffany" She smiled, not afraid of me? But knows who I am. "can I buy you a drink? Tiffany" "Sure. Who knew such a handsome man was apart of something so dangerous" I bought her something I would normally get Taylor "well thank you malady" "no problem" she smiled, her smile was almost as addictive as Taylor's.

*A few minutes pass*

Me and Tiffany have been talking for some time now, she's very interesting. Her life is much different from Taylor's. I was expecting it to be different. Tiffany is very different from Taylor, which normally I would hate but for some reason it's kinda exciting. A perfect start for a new relationship, maybe.

I want to take Tiffany home and claim her as mine. Although that might sound like Im planning to do what I've done to Taylor, but I promise I'm a different man now. "Would you like to come back to my place?" I ask her "sure" her breath reeked of alcohol, but her smile seemed so genuine. I lead her to my car "woah sick car" she spoke "thanks" I opened the car door for her and held her hand as she stepped inside. Her skirt slipped up a little as I watched, she knew I seen it and I knew she was being a tease. She pulled her skirt up a little more to where I could see her lace panties peeking. She giggled as she did this, knowing I won't be able to resist touching her. I glanced a few times but didn't touch her.

We finally arrived back at my separate house. I bought a separate house for me and Taylor, but obviously that didn't work out. "Wow your house is beautiful" she said clearly shit faced. "Thank you, shall we get you inside?" "Oo yes please" she moaned slightly. I got out and opened her door, helping her out. As she got out, the sent of hers smelt like Taylors. God Taylor was stuck in my head so much. Everything Tiffany did, reminded me of Taylor in an interesting way. I took Tiffany inside my house, watching her walk over to my couch and comfortablely sit down. I sat down next to her, stared into her eyes as she stared into mine. An intense kiss broke the contact in one quick motion. Her lips were soft like snow in the winter, warm like the summer breeze that surrounded us. If I'm being honest, better than Taylor's. Taste of sugar filled my mouth, the smell of this girl was unlike anyone. I think I might've fallen in love without having to force it. Without having to force her to be mine, taking her virginity unwillingly. I hate myself for the damage I caused Taylor before she died but I have to learn to let go of Taylor and everything else that is dragged along side her. Tiffany was my only focus now, I wanted her, needed her even. I have never said anything like that about anyone except Taylor, Taylor was the only person that I have ever needed and wanted. "Something bothering you?" Tiffany broke the kiss "no not at all" she tilted her head as if she knew I was lying "what is it? Is it me?" I shook my head "no it's not you, just don't worry about it" she grabbed my head with her hands to make me look at her directly into her eyes "tell me tom, I wanna know everything" the way she grabbed me made me feel things, things I never even felt with Taylor. With her saying those words, I told her everything. Things about my past, Taylor, my family, everything.

After I told her what she asked to hear, she looked at me with a surprised look. I knew she didn't expect anything I said but she didn't make up an excuse to leave instead she hugged me. I was taken back, I was excepting her to leave and never look back but instead we exchanged numbers and she wanted to meet up tomorrow after her hangover. She wanted to talk more and get to know me better since apparently she really likes me and doesn't find me anywhere near dangerous or harmful and does believe that I have changed from my past.

*Next morning*

I wake up and instantly get a text from Tiffany, asking if we can go for some coffee. Obviously I agreed, I'm really starting to gain feelings for Tiffany. She's kind, genuine, smart, her smile is so bright and beautiful, she's just an amazing woman in general and I'm very excited to hopefully start a relationship with her, a brand new start. When I met up with her she was wearing low-rise jeans, a white tank, heals, and a black leather jacket. She looked absolutely jaw dropping, honestly I fell even more for her in that moment. "Shall we go sit?" Her voice, god "yes" I followed her over to a table and sat down. "How are you tom?" She asked, sounding genuinely curious "uh I'm okay I guess, I'm sorry for what I told you and if you want to not see me again, that's very understandable" she giggled like I was joking "tom, if I didn't want to see you again, this little coffee date would've not happened" she smiled "good to know, cause I really like you Tiffany, you're so smart, genuine, gorgeous, your smile is so addictive" her face lit up instantly "I'm so glad you saod that tom, because I feel the same way!" Her smile was huge "oh thank God" I smiled of relief "will you be mine?" I ask nervously "yes tom I will!" She grabbed my hands and held them for a few. Finally someone I didn't force to be my girlfriend, I feel like this relationship will last longer and be way more stronger than mine and Taylors. Although I still have deep feelings for Taylor, Taylor is in my dark past, this is the beginning of a new chapter in my life.

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