Past Regrets

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It has been some time that I haven't seen Victoria, I'm now getting a little worried cause normally she's not out in the world by herself for this long. What if she got kidnapped again and what about my car?! I keep forgetting that my car nor myself is a top priority at the moment. I needed to go look for her the problem is I don't know where she would be or even wonder off to.

I asked to use Georgs car and took it all over town obviously putting gas in it here and there but other than that I couldn't find her anywhere. Now I was just about to give up, then realized I haven't checked the race track yet, not that she would be there but definitely a possibility.

I arrived and there my car was but no one was in it, I checked the entire race track but she was nowhere to be found once again. Until I came up to a dark alley way with her phone in the middle, but her nowhere near it. I was confused at this point but knew she definitely got kidnapped, but question is by who? It couldn't be hiroshi that would just be dumb because I won the race so I can still kill him without leaving a single trace, not that winning that race matters but it still would've been a dumb idea for him to kidnap her twice in a row. But I also don't know anyone else who would kidnap her and I can't go to the police because I have a warrant out for my arrest, why Victoria, why did you have to leave alone.


Victoria's p.o.v

I'm still in the dark cold room without clothes on just my bra and undergarments. I'm confused and scared, I have cuts all over me along with bruises. My legs are shaking uncontrollably, my downstairs area feels off like someone might've been down there without my consent. Pain shooting in and through out my body, I feel like I've been in multiple car accidents breaking each and every one of my bones one by one. I kept asking myself why, why do I have to pay for my father's and uncle's past regrets I am so tired of having to be the one to pay for their own responsibilities. I love them both, well not so much my dad I mean I barely know the guy I don't know what he's capable of or what he can do to people like me who do nothing but exist. Besides the point, I just wish my uncle can find me sooner before I probably die.

*Minutes later* I hear a door open, it's the room I'm in that opens to outside. Someone walks in, shuts the door behind them while locking it. I hear footsteps walk closer and closer to where I am, I'm curled up in a ball position in a corner crying with my head full of a million thoughts all at the same occurrence.

"Why hello there Victoria" someone says "Who are you?!" I yell "Again, some old friends from Germany now do you know where we can find Bill and Tom" they say, sounding annoyed "Toms dead." I said "Oh is he?" That made me wonder is he actually dead? Or did he fake it for 21 years?

"Yes, my uncle told me he died 21 years ago.." I said "Well then explain why he's standing here right next to me" what are they talking about.. "What?.." the lights get turned on and I see a man with corn rows, black headband, black lip ring, a white wife beater toped with a flannel, baggy dark blue jeans and white shoes."Hi sweetheart I missed you" he says "Who are you?" I ask
"Your dad" tom adds "My, my dad?! How you died 21 years ago?!!" I yell "I faked it, I hired someone to die instead of me","How, plastic surgery?" I ask "Exactly" he said "And mom?" I asked as a beautiful red head entered the room standing next to Tom "Here" she says "Omg.. how is this possible you both died at the hospital, you died from severe blood loss and you died from suicide how can you guys be here right now?" I'm so confused..
"We're not, we're still dead" a gun shot appeared on toms temple and multiple cuts, stab wounds appeared on Taylors body.

I then woke up still on a cold floor, was that really all a dream or a nightmare maybe. I don't know but it definitely was an interesting experience and I hope to never experience that again I just wish my uncle would hurry so I don't have to stay on this property any longer. I just want to go home and sleep this off like I normally do, but I have a feeling I'm not gonna be let go that easily especially since these people are from my uncle and dad's past. These people probably have more hatred towards them than hiroshi does. These people probably mean more business with them than yet again hiroshi does or maybe doesn't I don't really know and to be honest I really don't care again I just wanna go home and sleep or eat either one works at this point.

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