Split Personalities

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Bill's p.o.v

Tom brought home some Tiffany girl for us to meet, mainly on the holidays. I always hear them laughing, fucking, and even cooking together when I go over to his private house. Their bond feels stronger than his and Taylors. But ever since he's met Tiffany, everything has been all about Tiffany. Tiffany this, Tiffany that, he's been more distant towards me and Ang ever since he got into this relationship. This new relationship is probably gonna turn out like how his and Taylors did in the end. I wouldn't doubt it to be honest, Tom hasn't changed, everyone else seems to think he's changed but i haven't seen any sign of it. His abuse of drugs and alcohol has died down yeah, but still doesn't show any sign of him changing, he's probably the same abusive asshole he's always been and always will be.


Tom's p.o.v

Tiffany's favorite season is coming up, summer. She loves the summer breeze, tanning and sometimes swimming. I've even thought about renting a boat for Tiffany and I to have some fun on. Tiffany is liked by Ang and i think, Bill. Bill has been a little distant towards me, i have a feeling it's because of mine and Tiffany's relationship and even Tiffany feels like its her fault. I hate that Tiffany feels that way, it makes her feel like burden, like she has done something terribly wrong for Bill to exclude her and not treat her like one of us. Bill needs to not be this selfish and make Tiffany feel like she belongs. Bill doesn't even feel the need to talk to Tiffany about anything, of how he feels and how she feels about the whole situation, i get it, its someone new that is entering our lives. They all are unable to know if she's trustworthy but my better judgment should be enough for them to at least trust me and my opinion. She's not harmful, if anything she's less harmful than Taylor ever was. I think that my brother just doesn't want me to be happy or doesn't believe that I deserve it. Which i know may sound crazy but honestly that's how i truly feel at this point. There is no other explanation, unless he's jealous of our bond. After the little accident i had a decade and some time ago, Bill's and my relationship did fall apart slowly. And i will not forgive myself for the time that I'm alive but bill doesn't need to take that past and present out on Tiffany. Again I get that she's someone new that's added to our business, but she's not gonna run off and tell the cops everything about us and the things we do in our business. I trust her and that should be enough.


Angie's p.o.v

Bill seems pretty upset today, he isn't talking much, blinking faster and his adrenaline is rising way faster. I've never seen him this way except for when he's mad at me for something I didn't mean or didn't know, I did. I would ask him what's on his mind but that would probably upset him even worse, I wouldn't want to do that. I've played the cards I've been delt and lost every time, that feeling is something I hide and seek out. The past is coming back but not for the same reasons. I'm not supposed to be in this position right now, I don't want to be in this position. I'm scared of what's to come along with Bill's passive, aggressive, selfish acts. I know his anger is probably because of Tom and his new girlfriend. Who (I should add) is a very big sweetheart. Her heart is full of love and light, I trust this girl more than I even trust myself. I need to have a talk with Bill about Tiffany, I feel she's not capable of speaking the secrets that are best kept deep down. He doesn't believe shes trusting enough to keep her mouth shut, I believe she is, which is why me and Bill have multiple disagreements and arguments over a woman, because there's not enough room for her on his ego. His ego is also something me and him need to have a talk about, his ego feeds off of us and our mistakes. Every time we make even, a small mistake it fuels his ego, hate to admit but it's sadly, true.


Bill's p.o.v

Angie is staring at me, she's reading me like a book, like I'm doing something so interesting that she just can't take her eyes off me. "Why are you staring at me?" She looked at me with those, darting eyes "you seem, off" "I seem off? How?" She tilted her head slightly "you don't seem yourself tonight" I look away from my computer "how so?" "You're blinking faster and I noticed your adrenaline rising faster than usual" I roll my chair back, get up, walk over to her and stand over her. Immediately dominating her. "Darling, I'm just worried about my brother" she looked up at me "why? Im sure he's fine and happy, like how I want our relationship to go back to" I sit next to her, resting my hand on her leg "I know darling, trust me I know, I'm trying to get our relationship back on track but this whole relationship situation is really blowing all my plans out of proportion" I caress her cheek softly, whipping her tear off "I want to believe you.." she says, brushing my hand away "but I can't.. I don't think you want to save this relationship, you're the one that's tearing it down more than building it up..." The anger rising in my body was probably what she wanted out of this conversation "excuse me?" I raise my voice slightly "I-"


Angie's p.o.v

Bill started throwing things and completely destroying his office. He grabbed me and shook me violently "you need to be taught a lesson" after that he threw me against the wall, grabbed me off the floor and threw me on the couch. I winced in pain as I felt like my bones were slowly breaking. Bill got on top of me, ripping my clothes off, leaving me in my undergarments. I felt ashamed, lost. I just expected that it was over soon, he was finally taking something that he's been wanting, me. We've had sex before but never forced. I was completely terrified, shaking uncontrollably, balling. "You look so, very pretty like this" his words sickend me, made my stomach hurt with every word he spoke. "Don't fight it, just take it" he ripped my undergarments off and unclothed himself, alining himself at my entrance and forcing an entry. I screamed without a sound it seems, it hurt slightly. I fought as hard as I could but it was no use, Bill held a gun to my mouth and threatened to blow my brains out if I spoke. This moment was something I prayed for a quick end to the quick start. These cards are the cards I will continue to lose with, every time I deal with Bill.

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