An Unbreakable Bond

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Bill's p.o.v

I sigh, putting my phone down, knowing Tom won't call back.

It makes me sick to my stomach to know that something that was once an Unbreakable Bond was now a broken brotherhood.

It wasn't like before, I couldn't put the pieces back together, make it brand new, make it a new bond that would never break, like before. Tom knew how to talk to me properly without making my heart shatter in a million pieces. Now he changed how I once looked at him. I looked at him like he was some 'hero' but he wasn't, not anymore. He is a broken soul, a broken soldier. He was afraid to fall but watching me stand alone was something that he feared more. Now he didn't care if I would stand alone, fight alone and live in an empty heart.

The only thing I wanted from him was for him to see how much I looked up to him and cherished him, he was my everything and to him I was just a younger sibling. I was nothing. All along I believed he would have a change of heart and realize I wasn't just some annoying, younger sibling, that I was so much more than that.

That's all I ever wanted from him instead I got a cold shoulder to cry on and look at. Time could heal everything, except for these wounds. The wounds he caused. I hope he didn't mean to hurt me like this, I hope it's just him hiding his feelings and protecting himself.

My gut is telling me to just leave him alone and let him go on about his life without me. I hate this, I hate not knowing what he wants. Me gone or himself.

Either way you put it, it still effects me regardless.


Tom's p.o.v

I do feel awful for leaving him standing there, begging for me to turn around but I just can't do this anymore.. Him, his life and his feelings are not my priority anymore.

I hate to say that but, I can't keep putting his life before my own. I need to live mine alone, possibly make Tiffany my wife and get back my relationship with Victoria. My daughter.

I love her and if loving her requires losing a brotherhood, then I'm losing my brother's trust and loyalty.

It's worth it in the end because I think Tiffany might save me, again. Save me in a different way not a toxic way.

Like I said, I do feel awful for thinking this but I just need some space and need to work on myself instead of trying to fix a bond that's meant to be broken.


I walk downstairs into my basement, meeting a new bodyguard I hired to help Mike with this mission.

I greet her and sit her down in a chair in the basement. "You know why you're here correct?" I ask her, stern, hoping she knows not to let me down. "Yes." She replied, respectful. "Good, follow me and I'll introduce you to Mike" I went ahead and gave her the right away to walk upstairs and behind her I followed. Once we reached the first floor, I head into Mike's room "Mike." I spoke, he stood up and crossed his arms behind his back. "This is Evelyn" I told him, he walked up to her and shook her hand out of respect. "Nice to meet you Evelyn, im-" she stopped him mid sentence "Mike, I know" she smiled, nervously. That smile told me they were gonna get along just fine. "Get to know each other." I walked out of his room and into my office, handling some important business.

Until I get interrupted by my bodyguard, Evelyn, coming into my office. "Mike. You told her the rules correct?" I asked as he came up behind her. "Yes, but she wouldn't listen!" He explained "Evelyn." She turned her attention back on me. "Sir let me explain, please" I look up at her, our eyes meeting. "Rules are rules." I spoke harshly, crossing my hands in front of me and my eyebrows furrowed. "I know but please" she begged, sitting down in the chair in front of me and clearly out of breath. "I can't work with him" she told me, I didn't understand at first cause they were getting along as far as I was aware. "And why's that?" I raise my eyebrow. "Uh.." she started "use your words, Evelyn." I remained calm, hearing her out. "He's my uhh.. ex." I chuckled hysterically. Was she serious?! She can't work with him because he's her ex? This was the most stupid thing I've heard by far. "Are you serious? You barged into my office, interrupted my work just to tell me you can't work with Mike because he's your ex." I crossed my arms in disbelief and shook my head. "Let me make this very clear, Evelyn, I don't care If he's your rapist, you will work for me, understood?" I raised my eyebrows. "Sir pl-", "understood?" I said stern. There's no way she thinks I'm actually gonna let her quit because of some issues she has with Mike. "Yes." She spoke, putting her head down. "Thank you, you may leave now."

I turned my attention back on the work I was working on before I got rudely interrupted for some stupid excuse. What a complete waste of my time.


Bill's p.o.v

I completely broke. That was the last I heard from my brother, before he decided to leave me.

I turned my attention back to Angelina as she stood behind me in the sweater I gave her. She looked almost.. cute?.. like i could just.. take advantage of her. "Is everything okay?" She spoke up, snapping me out of my head. I still had tear streaks on on my face, completely oblivious to this whole shit show. "No, let's go." I demand she follow me.

We walked back out to my car. I knew the person who wanted us to meet them there was not gonna show but I was almost, glad. I wasn't up to do any work related things anyway. I drove me and Angelina back to my place. She sat silently beside me the whole ride home.

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