thirty six

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Sawyer and Caleb arrived back in Rosewood. The two were happy to be back, but Sawyer was hoping that she didn't have to deal with her sister's drama. Jason saw them and waved them over. "Hey, it's good to see you are back. How's the baby?"

"Growing, we got some ultra sounds done while we were there. Did we miss anything?"

"Nope." He says kissing her head. "Go home and rest." 

Sawyer nodded as Caleb drove off. "He lied."

"Of course he did."
The next day, Sawyer walked into the school looking for her sister and friends just to bump into Emily. "Sawyer, you're back." She says hugging her. "We need to talk about Jason."

"What about my brother?"

"Brother?" Sawyer nodded. "Oh. Well, he has picutres of you and Aria. Creepy photos."

"Of me? And Aria?" She nodded. "Okay. I will talk to him about that later. I just got back and would like to find Spencer."

Emily knew she would need to speak to Aria now. Sawyer looked around the corner and shook her head. She called Jason. "Jason, head's up. Emily and Spencer found pictures of me and Aria. I don't know how you got those, but please call me back and explain everything to me."

Aria saw her and wondered what was the girl calling Jason. Sawyer has been closed off for awhile since she had left to go to Caleb and now that she is back, it's like she doesn't have much to say to them. Her own friends and she was going to find out why. 
"You kissed my brother."


"Long story short, but continue." She states. 

"I don't know what is going on. Jason was my first crush and then there is Ezra." She sighed. "I don't know anymore and then I don't have anyone to talk to because you have closed yourself off since you discovered that you are expecting."

"Aria, just because I'm closed off doesn't mean I don't care about you guys. It's just I'm trying to stay stress free. Caleb would hang me if he found out that I'm stressing. That's why I called Jason..."

"He told me he found a film and printed them."

"Alison." She sighed. "I'm under so much stress right now because I don't know what to say to mom about being adopted to her. Dad is still my dad, but Jessica is my mom."

"Jason is blood than." Sawyer nodded. "I'll help you. For now, let's talk about this baby and what names you and Caleb have figured out." 

Sawyer smiled as they walked away talking about something else. Just to keep Saywer from stressing. 

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