Open Ceremony

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                                                                     (outfit up top)

Azure and the girls arrived at the building, taking in all that they could before walking up the steps as they came up, they spotted the trophy as they look in awe of the place.

"Is that the trophy?" Kristen questioned as they walked near the trophy.

Are we allowed to pick...?" Latrice started before Kristen finished it.

"Are we allowed to touch it?" Kristen finished as she went to pick up the trophy.

"Aht! Aht! No stop touching it. You break it, you buy it." Azure said almost laughing as she sounded like her mother.

Kristen being hard headed still pick it up almost laughing at the look Azure gave her before she joke seeing their name in the trophy before putting it down.

"Mother Azure don't be to serious." Audrey joked at her new found friend.

"Only for you Cutie." Azure smiled before they walked to their room where they will stay till called. The girls was sitting in the room as they was shown many things, before they was finally called.

Azure stood by Latrice as they stood in a circle fist pumping.

"Ya'll ready! You got this!" Kristen said as they bumped fists.

They walked till they found the long stairwell, going smiling as they was happy to be in such a place. 

"God damn. This is nice!" Azure said as the girls agreed.

Kristen did one more you ready before the girls walked down. Azure walked down, making the teams stare at her as her skin almost shined in the lighting. Not only was she's pretty but she was taller than most of them there. 

The teams aww'd at her calling her pretty like Audrey. The girls walked to the center of the stage as they looked at their evaluation. The teams seem to talk about Kristen and Audrey more than the other girls. Azure rolled her eyes as the teams seem to bash the most talented person she got to know since meeting her just because she's pretty. Azure almost laughs as she snickered at the evaluation catching the eyes of most of the teams.

"What's so funny?" Someone from Lady bounce questions as they stared at the tall girl that looked like she wanted to laugh.

"She's laughing." Someone from Bebe said. 

Bada stared at the girl with interest. Did she know something they don't. The girl was already a mystery for them. There wasn't much videos of her, so they couldn't tell if she was a good dancer or not.

They announced the no respect dancers: Audrey with 6, Kristen with two and Azure with four. Azure smiled, full-out grinned at the results.

"Audrey, you better get that a-s-s" Azure says spelling out the word, laughing.

"You got this girl." Kristen says comforting their cute friend.

"Show them." Kristen continued.

"They got to be kidding me. The prettiest ones are the dangerous ones." Azure added on. 

"Right, show them how it's done. Audrey." Latrice agreed.

Azure didn't like that they was basically ganging up on Audrey. Jam republic was in a higher totem pole then how she know these judges would judge them. Western dancers are much different then other countries dancers. Some people have it and some people don't. They saw as the weakest because of her looks and that would be their downfall. Azure was sure they was curious about her dance style.

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