Ranking day

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Everyone sat in their designated areas as they waited for Daniel to come out. Azure could only hope their group were good enought to get a high ranking. She really hopes they love the video as she did. Daniel finally came out as the everyone waited for what he was going to say. Daniel had told them about the judges ranking them again in the videos. He named the main dancers.

                                                           Leader class: Bada Of BEBE

                                             Sub-Leader class: Latrice of Jam Republic

                                       Middle Class: Wackxxy and Yoojin of MANNEQUEEN

                                                         Rookie class: Rena of Tsubakill

He told the main dancers that they had the power to pick the worse dancer. He also said that they had to choose alongside the judges. Azure leaned forward as she waited for the first video to start. They started off the rookie class video. It was cute video. Azure like it as she nudges Emma every time she came on the screen. She was so happy that Emma has more screen time.

 They all clapped once it was over. It was time for Rena to choose who was the worse dancer. 

She had chosen Buckey of MANNEQUEEN. Azure releases a short breath as she was happy it wasn't Emma. Now Daniel stated that it was the sub-leader turn. the girls made noise making Azure and Latrice smile before she waited for the video to start.

                                                           ~Flashback to rehearsal~

Azure had helped her again as she told them what Latrice wanted. Latrice had brought Kirsten in later after the rehearsal was over. Kirsten was sitting in the chair when Azure went in. 

"Hey girly," Azure said as the two had slowly started becoming like they were.

"Hey, Latrice had told me there was a miny part with you and her." Kirsten smiled at her.

"A little Razzle Dazzle." Azure joked making them both laugh.

"You think Bada would let me come on set to see you." Azure asked.

"Maybe, why? You going to bring me something to eat." Kirsten said.

" I can maybe I can bring all of you something." Azure smiled before the other girls came in so Latrice can do the formation part.

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